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Example sentences from the Web for pizzazzMarco Zanini delivered a collection for Rochas that was flirty and feminine with a bit of pizzazz. Rochas's Sweet Tooth|Alice Cavanagh|September 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST The Texas governor has executive experience, conservative cred, success generating jobs, and pizzazz. How Perry Could Win|Jill Lawrence|July 29, 2011|DAILY BEAST Yet over and over Mr. Pawlenty has been intent on trying to offer us pizzazz. The Next GOP Cattle Call||June 13, 2011|DAILY BEAST Peel off and place for a touch of pizzazz: clowns, penguins, teddy bears, etc. Life Histories of North American Wood Warblers Part One and Part Two|Arthur Bent
nouninformal an attractive combination of energy and style; sparkle, vitality, glamourAlso called: pazzazz, pazazz, pzazz Word Origin for pizzazzC20: origin obscure Words nearby pizzazzPizarro, Francisco, pizazz, pize, pizz., pizza, pizzazz, pizzeria, pizzicato, pizzle, p.j.'s, pk Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pizzazzget-up-and-go, intensity, presence, splash, bounce, vim, dash, juice, zing, aptitude, force, stamina, spunk, knack, zest, zip, pep, liveliness, animation, effectiveness |