释义 |
[ per-in-dee ] / pərˈɪn di /
adverb(in prescriptions) in the same manner as before. Origin of perindeFrom Latin Words nearby perindeperimysiitis, perimysium, perinatal, perinatal medicine, perinatology, perinde, perineal artery, perineal gland, perineal hernia, perineal nerve, perineal section Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for perindeA slave understands her duty, which is blindly to obey, bound hand and foot, perinde ac cadaver; does the part appeal to you? The Secret of Sarek|Maurice Leblanc This shows an excellent grasp of the meaning of the celebrated maxim "Perinde ac cadaver." On Union with God|Albertus Magnus Ita ipsi, perinde ut Almerico, anima non superest, nisi per suum esse ideale in Deo ut ibi ab terno fuit. Fundamental Philosophy, Vol. I (of 2)|Jaime Luciano Balmes Atque, vt non putaret, hc nobis auctoribus gesta esse, perinde tamen poste in nos affectus fuit quasi credidisset. The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614|Various