单词 | para |
释义 | para1[ pah-rah, pahr-ah ] / pɑˈrɑ, ˈpɑr ɑ / noun, plural pa·ras, pa·ra.a coin and monetary unit of Macedonia and Serbia, one 100th of a dinar. formerly, a coin and monetary unit of Yugoslavia, one 100th of a dinar. Origin of para1First recorded in 1905–10; from Serbo-Croatian pàra, from Turkish; see para2 Definition for para (2 of 10)para2 [ pah-rah, pahr-ah ] / pɑˈrɑ, ˈpɑr ɑ / noun, plural pa·ras, pa·ra.a former copper coin of Turkey, the 40th part of a piaster. Origin of para2First recorded in1680–90; from Turkish, from Persian pāra, literally, “piece” Definition for para (3 of 10)para3 [ par-uh ] / ˈpær ə / adjective Chemistry.pertaining to or occupying two positions (1, 4) in the benzene ring that are separated by two carbon atoms.Compare ortho, meta3. nounpara-dichlorobenzene. Origin of para3First recorded in 1875–80; independent use of para-1 Definition for para (4 of 10)para4 [ par-uh ] / ˈpær ə / noun Informal.paraprofessional. paratrooper. paragraph. Origin of para4By shortening of words compounded with para-1, para-3 Definition for para (5 of 10)para5 [ par-uh ] / ˈpær ə / noun, plural par·as, par·ae [par-ee]. /ˈpær i/. Obstetrics.Also called parity . a woman's status regarding the bearing of viable offspring: usually followed by a Roman numeral designating the number of times the woman has given birth. the woman herself. Compare gravida. Origin of para5First recorded in 1880–85; extracted from primipara, multipara, etc. Definition for para (6 of 10)para-1 a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, most often attached to verbs and verbal derivatives, with the meanings “at or to one side of, beside, side by side” (parabola; paragraph; parallel; paralysis), “beyond, past, by” (paradox; paragogue); by extension from these senses, this prefix came to designate objects or activities auxiliary to or derivative of that denoted by the base word (parody; paronomasia), and hence abnormal or defective (paranoia), a sense now common in modern scientific coinages (parageusia; paralexia). As an English prefix, para-1 may have any of these senses; it is also productive in the naming of occupational roles considered ancillary or subsidiary to roles requiring more training, or of a higher status, on such models as paramedical and paraprofessional: paralegal; paralibrarian; parapolice. Chemistry. a combining form designating the para (1, 4) position in the benzene ring. Abbreviation: p-.Compare meta- (def. 4b), ortho- (def. 2b). Also especially before a vowel, par- . Origin of para-1<Greek para-, combining form representing pará (preposition) beside, alongside of, by, beyond Definition for para (7 of 10)para-2 a combining form meaning “guard against,” occurring in loanwords from French, or, via French, from Italian: parachute; parasol. Origin of para-2<French <Italian para, 3rd singular present of parare to prepare against, ward off <Latin parāre to prepare Definition for para (8 of 10)para-3 a combining form extracted from parachute, forming compounds denoting persons or things utilizing parachutes or landed by parachute: paradrop; paradoctor; paraglider; paratrooper. Definition for para (9 of 10)Pará [ pah-rah ] / pɑˈrɑ / nounan estuary in N Brazil: an arm of the Amazon. 200 miles (320 km) long; 40 miles (65 km) wide. Belém. Pará rubber. Definition for para (10 of 10)Para. Paraguay. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 British Dictionary definitions for para (1 of 6)para1 / (ˈpɑːrə) / noun plural -ras or -raa monetary unit of Serbia worth one hundredth of a dinar; formerly a monetary unit of Yugoslavia Word Origin for paraC17: Serbo-Croat, via Turkish from Persian pārah piece, portion British Dictionary definitions for para (2 of 6)para2 / (ˈpærə) / noun informal
a paragraph British Dictionary definitions for para (3 of 6)para3 / (ˈpɑːrɑː) / noun plural paraa New Zealand fern, Marattia salicina, with long heavy frondsAlso called: horseshoe fern, king fern Word Origin for paraMāori British Dictionary definitions for para (4 of 6)para-1 before a vowel par-prefixWord Origin for para-from Greek para (prep) alongside, beyond British Dictionary definitions for para (5 of 6)para-2 combining formindicating an object that acts as a protection against somethingparachute; parasol Word Origin for para-via French from Italian para-, from parare to defend, shield against, ultimately from Latin parāre to prepare British Dictionary definitions for para (6 of 6)Pará / (Portuguese paˈra) / nouna state of N Brazil, on the Atlantic: mostly dense tropical rainforest Capital: Belém. Pop: 6 453 683 (2002). Area: 1 248 042 sq km (474 896 sq miles) another name for Belém an estuary in N Brazil into which flow the Tocantins River and a branch of the Amazon. Length: about 320 km (200 miles) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Medical definitions for para (1 of 3)para [ păr′ə ] n.A woman who has given birth to an infant or infants. Medical definitions for para (2 of 3)para- pref.Medical definitions for para (3 of 3)-para suff.A woman who has given birth to a specified number of children:multipara. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |
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