

单词 neurolinguistic programming

neurolinguistic programming

[ noor-oh-ling-gwis-tik proh-gram-ing, proh-gruh-ming, nyoor-oh‐ ]
/ ˈnʊr oʊ lɪŋˈgwɪs tɪk ˈproʊ græm ɪŋ, ˈproʊ grə mɪŋ, ˈnyʊr oʊ‐ /


a method of modifying cognitive patterns, emotions, and behaviors, typically, self-improvement through learned imitation of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of high achievers or other successful models of a specific desired behavior.

Origin of neurolinguistic programming

Coined by Richard Bandler (born 1950), American psychologist, and John Grinder (born 1940), American linguist, in Changing with Families: A Book About Further Education for Being Human (1976), in which they claim a connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns learned through experience that can be changed to achieve life goals

Words nearby neurolinguistic programming

neurolemma cell, neuroleptanalgesia, neuroleptanesthesia, neuroleptic, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, neurolinguistic programming, neurolinguistics, neurological, neurologist, neurology, neurolysin
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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