a brief fall of rain or, sometimes, of hail or snow.
Also called shower bath . a bath in which water is sprayed on the body, usually from an overhead perforated nozzle (showerhead ).
the apparatus for this or the room or stall enclosing it.
a large supply or quantity: a shower of wealth.
a party given for a bestowal of presents of a specific kind, especially such a party for a prospective bride or prospective mother: a linen shower; a baby shower.
a fall of many objects, as tears, sparks, or missiles.
Astronomy. air shower.
showers,a room or area equipped with several showerheads or stalls for use by a number of people at the same time.
verb (used with object)
to bestow liberally or lavishly.
to deluge (a person) with gifts, favors, etc.: She was showered with gifts on her birthday.
to bathe (oneself) in a shower bath.
verb (used without object)
to rain in a shower.
to take a shower bath.
Idioms for shower
send to the showers, Baseball.
to replace (a pitcher) during a game, usually because he or she is ineffective: The coach sent him to the showers after he walked three batters in a row.
to cause (a pitcher) to be replaced in a game, as by getting many hits off him or her; knock out of the box: Two home runs and a line-drive double sent her to the showers.
Origin of shower
before 950; Middle English shour (noun), Old English scūr; cognate with German Schauer,Old Norse skūr,Gothic skūra
VOSD contributor and guy-who-thinks-a-lot-about-bodily-fluids Randy Dotinga reports that sewage analysis is sophisticated enough to detect one infected person out of 100,000 who are flushing toilets and taking showers.
Morning Report: Hotel Workers Want Their Jobs Back|Voice of San Diego|September 8, 2020|Voice of San Diego
In Mumbai, a phone vendor even marked the occasion with showers of confetti and cheerleaders.
Apple’s iPhone sales have lagged in India for years. It’s only now unleashing its branding firepower|Grady McGregor|September 6, 2020|Fortune
This leave-on treatment absorbs quickly into your scalp, so you can continue on your day after a shower and tangibly feel the nourishing effects of its subtle ingredients such as chamomile and lavender.
Scalp scrubs that banish scaly patches and build-up|PopSci Commerce Team|September 4, 2020|Popular Science
We have a queen bed, a stove, an oven, a refrigerator and freezer, and even a flush toilet and shower on board.
5 Portable Grills for All Your Outdoor Cooking Needs|Amy Marturana Winderl|September 2, 2020|Outside Online
Then there’s virtual wedding showers and postponed celebrations.
A guide to giving gifts for postponed and shrunken weddings|Brooke Henderson|August 20, 2020|Fortune
I was so relieved, until I thought about my dirty pantyhose hanging on the shower at home.
My Love Letter to the Stetson|Mark McKinnon|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His explanation only diminishes the irresistible excitement we feel while watching Tony Perkins peer at Janet Leigh in her shower.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Fade to Black: The Great Director’s Final Days|David Freeman|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One measly year later, Pam woke to find a naked Ewing grinning at her in the shower.