[ muhz -lim, moo z -, moo s - ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈmʌz lɪm, ˈmʊz-, ˈmʊs- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective of or relating to the religion, law, or civilization of Islam.
noun, plural Mus·lims, Mus·lim. an adherent of Islam.
Black Muslim.
WATCH NOW: Who Created The Hijab Emoji? The team behind the petition for the Hijab emoji is not only impressive but supportive and inclusive too. Did you know the story of how this emoji came to be?
Also Moslem , Muslem (for defs. 1, 2) .
Origin of Muslim <Arabic, literally, a person who submits. See Islam
OTHER WORDS FROM Muslim half-Muslim, adjective non-Muslim, adjective, noun, plural non-Mus·lims, non-Mus·lim. pre-Muslim, adjective, noun pro-Muslim, adjective, noun
pseudo-Muslim, adjective, noun
Words nearby Muslim musk rose, musk thistle, musk turtle, musky, Muslem, Muslim , Muslim Brothers, Society of the, Muslim calendar, Muslim Era, Muslims, Shi'ite and Sunni, muslin
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Muslim Indeed, every teacher is expected to be a Muslim by birth or conversion.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President | Pierre Assouline| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Submission is set in a France seven years from now that is dominated by a Muslim president intent on imposing Islamic law.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President | Pierre Assouline| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
In 2009, a Pakistani Christian woman got into a religious argument with some Muslim women with whom she was harvesting berries.
In Defense of Blasphemy | Michael Tomasky| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
The governor of Punjab province, a Muslim man, called publicly for leniency for her.
In Defense of Blasphemy | Michael Tomasky| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
He sees himself as the first Muslim president of all Europe.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President | Pierre Assouline| January 9, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Just then an Oriya servant of the Muslim had visited Katak in disguise.
Chaitanya's Life And Teachings | Krishna das Kaviraja
Faith is defined by Muslim theologians as: "Confession with the tongue and belief with the heart."
The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
The Mutazilites teach that the Muslim who enters hell will remain there for ever.
The Faith of Islam | Edward Sell
Three more turbaned Muslim soldiers joined those coming at Daoud.
The Saracen: Land of the Infidel | Robert Shea
Is it not enough for me to have killed a Muslim , that a Christian should be killed on my account?
The Thousand and One Nights, Vol. I. | Anonymous
British Dictionary definitions for Muslim noun plural -lims or -lim a follower of the religion of Islam
adjective of or relating to Islam, its doctrines, culture, etc
Derived forms of Muslim Muslimism or Moslemism , noun old-fashioned , derogatory Word Origin for Muslim C17: from Arabic, literally: one who surrenders
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012