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[ hohm-sik ] / ˈhoʊmˌsɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR homesick ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivesad or depressed from a longing for home or family while away from them for a long time. Origin of homesickFirst recorded in 1790–1800; home + sick1 OTHER WORDS FROM homesickhomesickness, nounWords nearby homesickhome screen, homescreetch, Home Secretary, homeshore, homeshoring, homesick, home sign, homesite, homesource, homespun, home staging Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for homesickI also found that Hofbräu-Festzelt is the tent of choice for homesick English-speakers. My Two-Day Oktoberfest Bender|Kristyn Ostman|October 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST If she is at all uncomfortable or homesick, Lamb promises to take her to the nearest airport and send her back to her mom. Great Weekend Reads|Malcolm Jones, Lucy Scholes, Jacob Silverman, Drew Toal|September 18, 2011|DAILY BEAST Who it helps: Homesick troops, many of them on their second, third, or even fourth deployment. Don't Be a Scrooge!|The Daily Beast|December 16, 2009|DAILY BEAST She was homesick, lonely, and longed to return to the movies—a proposal nixed by the Monegasques and her spouse. Last Role for Princess Grace|Sandra McElwaine|December 12, 2009|DAILY BEAST
He remembered how homesick he had been the first summer he had spent in Oxford, and how he had longed to go back. The Youth of Parnassus and Other Stories|Logan Pearsall Smith Your letter made me homesick, and when you told of the orchards by Fresh Pond I hung my head for melancholy. The Letters of Henry James (volume I)|Henry James Of course I had been homesick at first, while we were prisoners, before I had Ellador. Herland|Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman That little fool of a Campia is the most complete cry-baby and the most homesick little wretch I ever saw or heard of. The Unwilling Vestal|Edward Lucas White For the first time in her life Elsie Marley was homesick—and for a stranger! Elsie Marley, Honey|Joslyn Gray
British Dictionary definitions for homesick
adjectivedepressed or melancholy at being away from home and family Derived forms of homesickhomesickness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to homesicklonely, wistful, hankering, heartsick, missing, yearning |