[ mound ] SHOW IPA
noun a natural elevation of earth; a hillock or knoll.
an artificial elevation of earth, as for a defense work or a dam or barrier; an embankment.
a heap or raised mass: a mound of papers; a mound of hay.
Baseball . the slightly raised ground from which the pitcher delivers the ball. See also rubber1 (def. 14).
an elevation formed of earth, sand, stones, etc., especially over a grave or ruins.
a tumulus or other raised work of earth dating from a prehistoric or long-past period.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object) to form into a mound; heap up.
to furnish with a mound of earth, as for a defense.
Origin of mound 1 1505–15; earlier: hedge or fence used as a boundary or protection, (v.) to enclose with a fence; compare Old English mund hand, hence protection, protector; cognate with Old Norse mund, Middle Dutch mond protection
OTHER WORDS FROM mound un·mound·ed, adjective Words nearby mound Moulin Rouge, Moulins, Moulmein, moult, Moultrie, mound , moundbird, mound builder, mounding, moundsman, Mounds View
Definition for mound (2 of 2) [ mound ] SHOW IPA
noun a globe topped with a cross that symbolizes power and constitutes part of the regalia of an English sovereign.
Origin of mound 2 1250–1300; Middle English: world <Old French monde <Latin mundus world
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for mound Scans of many of these have been amassed by Vieira on his Facebook page, Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient.
Hunting for a Real-Life Hagrid | Nina Strochlic| November 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Yezidis play a sort of basketball game here, balling cloth up and tossing it onto the top of the mound .
Fighting Back With Faith: Inside the Yezidis’ Iraqi Temple | Michael Luongo| August 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Here Luqman also pointed out a curious structure, a mound rising on the side of the wall in front of all the urns.
Fighting Back With Faith: Inside the Yezidis’ Iraqi Temple | Michael Luongo| August 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Salama al Sersawi leans on a bench, waiting to get his mound of matted hair reined in.
The Gaza Paradox: Hamas Has Little Support, but the War Has a Lot | Jesse Rosenfeld| August 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The salmon is presented atop a mound of sautéed vegetables: mushrooms, peppers, squash, onions, leafy greens, and herbs.
Spaghetti for Breakfast?! Not So Crazy at This Idaho Farm Café | Jane & Michael Stern| August 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Before him was the mound which he had noticed from the ship.
Cord and Creese | James de Mille
You are acquainted with the immense amount of public property at Mound City and Cairo?
Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War | United States Senate
These occupations of the mound must, then, be of that period.
Archology and the Bible | George A. Barton
Are you going to build a house on the mound of hardened garbage?
A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan | John U. Wolff
In the second place there is no mound of sand in front of Yap Yap's doorway.
The Burgess Animal Book for Children | Thornton W. Burgess
British Dictionary definitions for mound (1 of 2) noun a raised mass of earth, debris, etc
any heap or pile a mound of washing
a small natural hill
archaeol another word for barrow 2
an artificial ridge of earth, stone, etc, as used for defence
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (often foll by up) to gather into a mound; heap
(tr) to cover or surround with a mound to mound a grave
Other words from mound Related adjective: tumular Word Origin for mound C16: earthwork, perhaps from Old English mund hand, hence defence: compare Middle Dutch mond protection
British Dictionary definitions for mound (2 of 2) noun heraldry a rare word for orb (def. 1)
Word Origin for mound C13 (meaning: world, C16: orb): from French monde, from Latin mundus world
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to mound mountain, rise, hillock, shock, drift, dune, pile, bank, embankment, knoll, mass, stack, molehill, anthill, tumulus