In August, authorities in Canada learned that 16 vials of Midazolam had been stolen from a Halifax hospital.
Alleged U.Va. Abductor Accused of Rape at Christian College|Michael Daly|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She would not have been able to taste, see or smell any Midazolam that might have been slipped into her beer.
Alleged U.Va. Abductor Accused of Rape at Christian College|Michael Daly|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That kind of behavior would be in keeping with somebody who had been slipped a date rape drug such as Midazolam, aka Dazzle.
Alleged U.Va. Abductor Accused of Rape at Christian College|Michael Daly|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ohio used a mix of midazolam, a sedative, with hydromorphone, a powerful narcotic.
What Happens to the Death Penalty When Lethal Injection Isn’t Quick and Painless?|Andrew Cohen|January 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He orders [more] shipments of propofol and midazolam … and lorazepam.
Murray's Sloppy Paper Trail|Diane Dimond|November 7, 2011|DAILY BEAST
[ mĭ-dăz′ə-lăm′ ]
A colorless crystalline derivative of diazepam with sedative and anxiolytic properties, usually used in its hydrochloride form as an intravenous anesthetic.