a fixed attitude, disposition, or mood: His conservative mindset sometimes causes him to miss out on important opportunities.Her judgmental mindset has cost her a number of friendships.
an intention or inclination: I'm not sure what her mindset will be when you ask her about her plans.
Origin of mindset
First recorded in 1905–10; mind + set
Words nearby mindset
mind over matter, mind-pop, mind reader, mind reading, mindscape, mindset, mind's eye, mindshare, Mindszenty, mind the store, mind-your-own-business
It’s just entirely possible that Darth Vader had a radical mindset shift by the feeling of love being able to slip through the heavy armor of darkness that he has held up as a defense mechanism.
Are You Yoda or Darth Vader? - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Brian Gallagher|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
The planner types have what the psychologist Patricia Chen, an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore, and Carol Dweck, the noted Stanford University psychologist and Chen’s former adviser, have identified as a strategic mindset.
A former student of “growth mindset” scholar Carol Dweck has identified a new mindset for success|Lila MacLellan|July 27, 2020|Quartz
With such integral information, you can discover your customers’ mindsets and preferences when it comes to purchasing your products.
How to get more leads on Instagram: 10 Highly effective tactics|Bhavik Soni|July 7, 2020|Search Engine Watch
That doesn’t mean that pessimism is better — Moore’s experiments found that pessimistic mindsets didn’t improve outcomes either.
Introducing “No Stupid Questions” (Ep. 422)|Stephen J. Dubner|June 18, 2020|Freakonomics
To create an effective campaign you need to have basic marketing knowledge and an analytical mindset.
How to increase online sales in three easy steps through PPC ads|Inna Yatsyna|May 11, 2020|Search Engine Watch
In the mindset of the Coexist camp, those abstract beliefs have become twisted things, wrapped up with hate.