单词 | fag |
释义 | fag1[ fag ] / fæg / SEE SYNONYMS FOR fag ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used with object), fagged, fag·ging.verb (used without object), fagged, fag·ging.Chiefly British. to work until wearied; work hard: to fag away at French. British Informal. to do menial chores for an older public-school pupil. nounOrigin of fag11425–75; late Middle English fagge broken thread in cloth, loose end (of obscure origin); sense development apparently: drooping end > to droop, tire > to make weary > drudgery, drudge (compare relationship of flag1 to flag3); (def. 6) a shortening of fag end (a butt, hence a cigarette) OTHER WORDS FROM fagun·fagged, adjectiveWords nearby fagFaeroes, Faeroese, faff, faffy, Fafnir, fag, fagaceous, fag end, Faggi, faggot, faggoting Definition for fag (2 of 2)fag2 [ fag ] / fæg / usage alert about fagThe terms fag and faggot are both used with disparaging intent and are perceived as highly insulting. However, faggot (but not fag ) is sometimes used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference. noun Slang.Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a gay man. Offensive. a contemptible or dislikable person. Origin of fag2An Americanism dating back to 1920–25; by shortening of faggot1 OTHER WORDS FROM fagfag·gish, adjectiveDictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 British Dictionary definitions for fag (1 of 3)fag1 / (fæɡ) / nouninformal a boring or wearisome taskit's a fag having to walk all that way British (esp formerly) a young public school boy who performs menial chores for an older boy or prefect verb fags, fagging or fagged(when tr, often foll by out) informal to become or cause to become exhausted by hard toil or work (usually intr) British to do or cause to do menial chores in a public schoolBrown fags for Lee Word Origin for fagC18: of obscure origin British Dictionary definitions for fag (2 of 3)fag2 / (fæɡ) / nounBritish a slang word for cigarette a fag end, as of cloth Word Origin for fagC16 (in the sense: something hanging loose, flap): of obscure origin British Dictionary definitions for fag (3 of 3)fag3 / (fæɡ) / nounslang, mainly US and Canadian short for faggot 2 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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