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[ loin-klawth, -kloth ] / ˈlɔɪnˌklɔθ, -ˌklɒθ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR loincloth ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural loin·cloths [loin-klawthz, -klothz, -klawths, -kloths]. /ˈlɔɪnˌklɔðz, -ˌklɒðz, -ˌklɔθs, -ˌklɒθs/. a piece of cloth worn around the loins or hips, especially in tropical regions as the only item of clothing. Origin of loinclothFirst recorded in 1855–60; loin + cloth Words nearby loinclothlohan, Lohengrin, loiasis, loid, loin, loincloth, loins, Loire, Loire-Atlantique, Loiret, Loir-et-Cher Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for loinclothThink of him as a kind of Cecil Rhodes in a loincloth and with bulging muscles. Can Tarzan of the Apes Survive in a Post-Colonial World?|Ted Gioia|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST Here was a project that would get me out of a loincloth and into real clothes! Speed Read Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘Total Recall’: the 11 Juiciest Bits|Luke Kerr-Dineen|October 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST So will you be running around with a loincloth from now on? Exercising Like a Caveman: A.J. Jacobs Gets Primal|A.J. Jacobs|April 10, 2012|DAILY BEAST I felt of his muscles (he was clothed only in a loincloth), and I closely studied his tremendous arms and shoulders. The Shadow World|Hamlin Garland
She felt him move, and all at once her hand was not on his loincloth, but on his hot flesh. The native, like the juggler, had a beardless face and was naked but for loincloth and turban. Caravans By Night|Harry Hervey The men wore blouse, loincloth leggins, and moccasins, and the women dressed in short kilts. Canyons of the Colorado|J. W. Powell He was naked, and where the loincloth should have been, there was a virile member projecting from a bush of horsehair.
British Dictionary definitions for loincloth
nouna piece of cloth worn round the loinsAlso called: breechcloth Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to loinclothlavalava, dhoti, pareu |