a canned food product consisting especially of pork formed into a solid block.
(lowercase)Digital Technology. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email (often used attributively): Install spam blocker software and keep your email spam filters updated to protect your accounts from unsolicited spam.
(lowercase)Digital Technology. (of promotional content on the internet) irrelevant or misdirected: The search engine delivered spam websites that had nothing to do with my keywords.
verb (used with object),spammed,spam·ming.
(lowercase)Digital Technology. to send spam to.
(lowercase)Digital Technology. to execute (an action) or use (an item) rapidly or repeatedly in a video game: Spam the attack button as soon as the fight begins.
verb (used without object),spammed,spam·ming.
(lowercase)Digital Technology. to send spam.
Origin of Spam
First recorded in 1937 for the trademarked term; sp(iced) + (h)am1; 1990–95 for the other senses, probably referring to a comedy routine on Monty Python's Flying Circus, British TV series, in which the word Spam is used repeatedly