to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist.
to raise or direct upward: He lifted his arm in a gesture of farewell; to lift one's head.
to remove or rescind by an official act, as a ban, curfew, or tax: a court decision to lift the ban on strikes by teachers.
to stop or put an end to (a boycott, blockade, etc.): The citizenry will have to conserve food and water until the siege against the city is lifted.
to hold up or display on high.
to raise in rank, condition, estimation, etc.; elevate or exalt (sometimes used reflexively): His first book lifted him from obscurity. By hard work they lifted themselves from poverty.
to make audible or louder, as the voice or something voiced: The congregation lifted their voices in song.
to transfer from one setting to another: For the protagonist of the new play, the author has lifted a character from an early novel.
Informal. to plagiarize: Whole passages had been lifted from another book.
Informal. to steal: His wallet was lifted on the crowded subway.
airlift (def. 5).
to remove (plants and tubers) from the ground, as after harvest or for transplanting.
Horology. (of an escape wheel) to move (a pallet) by moving along the outer, oblique face.
to pay off (a mortgage, promissory note, etc.).
Golf. to pick up (the ball), as to move it from an unplayable lie.
to perform a surgical face lifting on.
to transfer (measurements and the like) from a drawing, model, etc., to a piece being built.
to form (a template) according to a drawing, model, etc.
to cease temporarily from directing (fire or bombardment) on an objective or area: They lifted the fire when the infantry began to advance.
Fox Hunting. to take (hounds) from the line of a fox to where it has just been seen.
verb (used without object)
to go up; yield to upward pressure: The box is too heavy to lift. The lid won't lift.
to pull or strain upward in the effort to raise something: to lift at a heavy weight.
to move upward or rise; rise and disperse, as clouds or fog.
(of rain) to stop temporarily.
to rise to view above the horizon when approached, as land seen from the sea.
the act of lifting, raising, or rising: the lift of a hand.
the distance that anything rises or is raised: a lift of 20 feet between canal locks.
a lifting or raising force: A kite depends on the wind to act as its lift.
the weight, load, or quantity lifted.
an act or instance of helping to climb or mount: He gave her a lift onto the wagon.
a ride in a vehicle, especially one given to a pedestrian: Can you give me a lift across town?
a feeling of exaltation or uplift: Their visit gave me quite a lift.
assistance or aid: The fund-raiser's successful efforts proved a great lift for the organization.
a device or apparatus for lifting: a hydraulic lift.
a movement in which a dancer, skater, etc., lifts up his partner.
ski lift.
elevator (def. 2).
any device used to lift or elevate, as a dumbwaiter or hoist.
Informal. a theft.
a rise or elevation of ground.
Aeronautics. the component of the aerodynamic force exerted by the air on an airfoil, having a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion and causing an aircraft to stay aloft.
the capacity of a cargo ship measured in dead-weight tons.
topping lift.
one of the layers of leather forming the heel of a boot or shoe.
a special arch support built or inserted into footwear.
Mining. the slice or thickness of ore mined in one operation.
Building Trades. the height of the quantity of concrete poured into a form at one time.
Naval Architecture. any of the horizontal planks forming a type of half model (lift model ), able to be removed and measured as a guide to laying out the water lines of the vessel at full scale.
Typesetting. fat (def. 23).
Printing. the quantity of paper loaded into or removed from a press or other printing machine at one time.
the displacement of a pallet by an escape wheel that has been unlocked.
the angle through which the pallet passes when so displaced.
airlift (defs. 1-3).
Origin of lift
First recorded in 1250–1300; 1955–60 for def. 10; Middle English liften, from Old Norse lypta, derivative of lopt “air,” cognate with German lüften literally, “to take aloft”; see loft
There are many more, but these items are relatively simple and if businesses did them, they would see a near-term lift in visibility and conversions.
The average GMB profile has 73 reviews, 45 photos, 5 Posts and a star rating of 4.08|Greg Sterling|August 26, 2020|Search Engine Land
It offers 13 inches of vertical lift, 360 degrees of rotation and 75 degrees of tilt, which allow it to be flexible in a variety of workspace conditions including sit-and-stand desks and creative studios.
The best monitor arms for desk-mounting your display|PopSci Commerce Team|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
Though electric forces alone are not enough to explain dust lift on Mars, the forces “are critical in the dust-lifting process and should be taken into account,” says Germán Martínez of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.
Readers ask about Mars dust storms, Fermi bubbles and more|Science News Staff|August 23, 2020|Science News
However, some brands are seeing revenue lift in large part due to added virtual events, including Teen Vogue and its Teen Vogue Prom franchise that took place this spring.
‘They’re here to stay’: Condé Nast’s virtual events upfront working to convince sponsors that new remote platforms have real value|Kayleigh Barber|August 19, 2020|Digiday
That generates lift — upward force that helps an object stay in the air.
Flying snakes wriggle their way through the air|Emily Conover|August 4, 2020|Science News For Students
The Kurds claimed at least 100 Islamic militants were killed in the two-day battle to lift the siege.
Iraqi Kurds Get Their Groove Back, End Siege of Mount Sinjar|Jamie Dettmer|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He vows that it will create 250,000 jobs, lift Nicaragua out of poverty and make it the maritime capital of the world.
China’s Nicaragua Canal Could Spark a New Central America Revolution|Nina Lakhani|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In essence, they placed a bunch of solar panels in the form of a suspension bridge on top of the lift.
Solar Powered Ski Lift|The Daily Beast|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And in the summer, when the lift is idle, it feeds juice into the local community.
Solar Powered Ski Lift|The Daily Beast|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In a day, he'll play basketball and racquetball, lift weights and run, then throw.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up|Tom Boswell|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Carlier said to Kayerts in a careless tone: "I say, chief, I might just as well give him a lift with this lot into the store."
Tales of Unrest|Joseph Conrad
Now, Miss Bruce, supposing you let me give you a lift to the station?
The War-Workers|E.M. Delafield
Jane will lift her ears suddenly, and say to herself: 'What!
Penelope's English Experiences|Kate Douglas Wiggin
Suppose you wanted to lift a heavy frying pan off the stove.
Common Science|Carleton W. Washburne
Then, too, if they tried to get a lift on a train, there would have to be too many in the secret.
Bert Wilson's Twin Cylinder Racer|J. W. Duffield
British Dictionary definitions for lift (1 of 2)
/ (lɪft) /
to rise or cause to rise upwards from the ground or another support to a higher placeto lift a sack
to move or cause to move upwardsto lift one's eyes
(tr)to take hold of in order to carry or removeto lift something down from a shelf
(tr)to raise in status, spirituality, estimation, etchis position lifted him from the common crowd
(tr)to revoke or rescindto lift tax restrictions
to make or become audible or louderto lift one's voice in song
(tr)to take (plants or underground crops) out of the ground for transplanting or harvesting
(intr)to disappear by lifting or as if by liftingthe fog lifted
to transport in a vehicle
(tr)informalto take unlawfully or dishonourably; steal
(tr)informalto make dishonest use of (another person's idea, writing, etc); plagiarize
(tr)slangto arrest
(tr)to perform a face-lift on
(tr)US and Canadianto pay off (a mortgage, etc)
the act or an instance of lifting
the power or force available or used for lifting
Britisha platform, compartment, or cage raised or lowered in a vertical shaft to transport persons or goods in a buildingUS and Canadian word: elevator
See chairlift, ski lift
the distance or degree to which something is lifted
a usually free ride as a passenger in a car or other vehicle
a rise in the height of the ground
a rise in morale or feeling of cheerfulness usually caused by some specific thing or event
the force required to lift an object
a layer of the heel of a shoe, etc, or a detachable pad inside the shoe to give the wearer added height
aid; help
the thickness of ore extracted in one operation
a set of pumps used in a mine
the component of the aerodynamic forces acting on a wing, etc, at right angles to the airflow
the upward force exerted by the gas in a balloon, airship, etc
See airlift (def. 1)
Derived forms of lift
liftable, adjectivelifter, noun
Word Origin for lift
C13: from Scandinavian; related to Old Norse lypta, Old English lyft sky; compare loft
An upward force acting on an object. Lift can be produced in many ways; for example, by creating a low-pressure area above an object, such an airplane wing or other airfoil that is moving through the air, or by lowering the overall density of an object relative to the air around it, as with a hot air balloon. Compare drag. See also airfoilbuoyancy. See Note at aerodynamics.