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[ loo-nuh-see ] / ˈlu nə si / SEE SYNONYMS FOR lunacy ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural lu·na·cies.insanity; mental disorder. intermittent insanity, formerly believed to be related to phases of the moon. extreme foolishness or an instance of it: Her decision to resign was sheer lunacy. unsoundness of mind sufficient to incapacitate one for civil transactions: a former legal term. Origin of lunacyFirst recorded in 1535–45; lun(atic) + -acy SYNONYMS FOR lunacy1 derangement, dementia; craziness, madness, mania, aberration. 3 folly, stupidity. SEE SYNONYMS FOR lunacy ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR lunacy1, 2 rationality, sanity. SEE ANTONYMS FOR lunacy ON THESAURUS.COM Words nearby lunacylump sum, lumpy, lumpy jaw, Lumumba, Luna, lunacy, luna moth, lunar, lunar caustic, lunar cycle, lunar day Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for lunacyI was never sure whether this was phlegm or the onset of lunacy. Why Can’t Movies Capture Genius?|Clive Irving|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST Here are 24 short stories, each quintessentially quirky and, some would think, touched by lunacy. Weed Reads: The 10 Best Books on Pot|Roger Roffman|April 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST Sometimes, especially during the Faith years, I felt close to lunacy. George Michael: Kate Is Stronger Than Di|Tom Sykes|March 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST The lyrics range from sappy to explicit, but the level of lunacy is nothing if not consistent. Miley Cyrus’s Craziest Lyrics From ‘Bangerz,’ Analyzed|Amy Zimmerman|October 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Indeed, investors have learned to ignore the lunacy and approach D.C. grandstanding with a certain amount of cynicism. Shutdown? What Shutdown? It’s Time to Buy U.S. Government Bonds!|Daniel Gross|September 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST My mother's lunacy, subsequent disease, and death, had imposed upon me obligations and cares little suitable to my sex and age. Ormond, Volume III (of 3)|Charles Brockden Brown We have now traced step by step the remarkable progress effected in the asylum care of our lunacy population. Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles|Daniel Hack Tuke Lunacy also was unknown among them, and such a thing as suicide no native can possibly grasp or understand. The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont|Louis de Rougemont These suggestions of the Committee have not yet borne fruit, but will, no doubt, be of service in future lunacy legislation. Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles|Daniel Hack Tuke A German revolution may destroy it; a small group of lunacy commissioners may fold it up and put it away. What is Coming?|H. G. Wells
British Dictionary definitions for lunacy
noun plural -cies(formerly) any severe mental illness foolishness or a foolish act Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to lunacysilliness, folly, foolishness, insanity, idiocy, stupidity, mania, absurdity, inanity, psychopathy, dementia, fatuity, aberration, ineptitude, imbecility, alienation, derangement, imbalance, foolhardiness, senselessness |