[ leer ] SHOW IPA
noun Scot. and North England . learning; instruction; lesson.
Origin of lear 1350–1400; late Middle English lere lesson, noun use of lere to teach, Old English lǣran; cognate with Dutch leren, German lehren, Gothic laisjan; akin to lore1
Words nearby lear leapling, leap of faith, leap second, leapt, leap year, lear , lear board, Lear complex, lea-rig, learn, learn by heart
Definition for lear (2 of 2) [ leer ] SHOW IPA
noun Edward, 1812–88, English writer of humorous verse and landscape painter.
(italics ) King Lear .
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for lear King Lear becomes Lear texting “okay who wants a kingdom,” to which Goneril replies “me me I do.”
What Would Jane Eyre Sext? | Jennie Yabroff| December 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A new book from Mallory Ortberg imagines what literary legends including King Lear and Jane Eyre would have texted.
What Would Jane Eyre Sext? | Jennie Yabroff| December 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If it were not the case, then there would be a Jonestown after every performance of King Lear .
Martin Amis Talks About Nazis, Novels, and Cute Babies | Ronald K. Fried| October 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But he loved showing off the Lear as the party favor for a Hollywood that had everything.
Frank Sinatra and the Birth of the Jet Set | William Stadiem| August 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He used the Lear —which seated only six and had no bar—mostly to shuttle his pals between Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Las Vegas.
Frank Sinatra and the Birth of the Jet Set | William Stadiem| August 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Fool in Lear hardly differs from the Clowns of the other plays.
The Shakespeare-Expositor: An Aid to the Perfect Understanding of Shakespeare's Plays | Thomas Keightley
Edmund, after the defeat of the opposing army, sends Lear and Cordelia to prison.
Shakespearean Tragedy | A. C. Bradley
It was Mrs. Lear , and a moment later she turned into the yard.
Hoofbeats on the Turnpike | Mildred A. Wirt
By what strange fatality does it happen that Lear has such daughters and Cordelia such sisters?
Shakespearean Tragedy | A. C. Bradley
King Lear , in his old age, determines to give up his kingdom to his three daughters.
William Shakespeare | John Masefield
British Dictionary definitions for lear noun Edward. 1812–88, English humorist and painter, noted for his illustrated nonsense poems and limericks
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012