Most people should be taking around 5,000 IU per day unless you get to spend a good amount of time outside and in the sun.
These Are The 15 Supplements to Keep In Your Medicine Cabinet|Ari Meisel|December 28, 2013|DAILY BEAST
All of the persons of interest in her disappearance are currently enrolled for the fall semester at IU.
Vanished From Her College Campus|Evie M. Salomon|September 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Wash (v), waiújaja (jaja French, without emphasis, and low; iu German).
Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, Part III (the Text Being Chapters XXVIII-XXXIII of the London Edition, 1843, and the Appendix a Combination of the Appendices of the London and German [Coblentz, 1839] Editions)|Maximilian, Prinz von Wied
And so are herewith the spices of Iu- stice declared theyr offices / which was the fourth & last place.
The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke|Leonard Cox
Ial li foriris de Berlino, kaj mi ne scias ĝuste kial; iu persono (aŭ, iu) diris, ke li lasis la urbon pro malsano.
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto|George Cox
Li pensis en si "Iu plendonto nun trovos ĝin preta por esti uzata."
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto|Ivy Kellerman Reed
Iu, kiun mi mem ne konas, venis kun tiu kiu vizitis vin hierau.