

单词 i-spy

Example sentences from the Web for I-spy

  • As when she goes out on the sidewalk to play "I-spy" with Georgie, the masterful little boy from next door, and his friends.

    Emmy Lou's Road to Grace|George Madden Martin
  • Yes, I'll do that if you'll come out afterwards for a game of I-spy 'round the meetin'-house.

    Mr. Stubbs's Brother|James Otis
  • I-spy, ī′-spī′, n. a children's game of hide-and-seek, so called from the cry when one is found.

    Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 2 of 4: E-M)|Various



a game in which one player specifies the initial letter of the name of an object that he can see, which the other players then try to guess

Words nearby I-spy

isozyme, ISP, ispaghula, Ispahan, i-spin, I-spy, Isr., Israʾ, Israel, Israel ben Eliezer, Israeli
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