释义 |
[ hoh-ming ] / ˈhoʊ mɪŋ /
adjectivecapable of returning home, usually over a great distance: We saw the homing birds at dusk. guiding or directing homeward or to a destination, especially by mechanical means: the homing instinct; a homing beacon. Origin of homingFirst recorded in 1860–65; home + -ing2 Words nearby hominghomiletic, homiletics, homiliary, homilist, homily, homing, homing device, homing guidance, homing pigeon, hominid, hominids Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for homingIn fact, Lew has a well-deserved reputation for homing in on the values that lurk behind the numbers. Will Jack Lew Win the Future?|Megan McArdle|January 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST Over the years, she has facilitated the transporting, homing, and re-homing of more than 250 dogs. Back Home, Service Dogs Sleep in Beds—and Sniff the Sofa for Mines|Sandra McElwaine|September 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST Like a homing device, it zipped over the net, into the corner of the court, and past the helpless Dabul to win the point. Federer Breaks His Silence|Joshua Robinson|September 6, 2010|DAILY BEAST Or possibly these factors or the need to find food and security overcame the homing tendency. An Experimental Translocation of the Eastern Timber Wolf|Thomas F. Weise
The homing train, rushing around the boundary hills of Paradise, set him down at Gordonia late in the afternoon. The Quickening|Francis Lynde Owners of homing pigeons had been registered, and the importation of the birds or their conveyance by rail prohibited. The Annual Register 1914|Anonymous The song of Auberon Herbert is the homing cry of the sea-swallows swaying on the crest of the waves. And Ginger, beaming happily, swooped on Sally's table like a homing pigeon. The Adventures of Sally|P. G. Wodehouse
British Dictionary definitions for homing
noun (modifier)zoology relating to the ability to return home after travelling great distanceshoming instinct (of an aircraft, a missile, etc) capable of guiding itself onto a target or to a specified point Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |