Tens of thousands of civilians still live in the city, starving, with limited food and water.
Remembering Kobani Before The Siege|Mustafa Abdi, Movements.Org, Advancing Human Rights|November 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Five, the tens or arguably hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money that flowed from corporate sources into GOP coffers.
The Real Reason Democrats Lost|Michael Tomasky|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Even a government that has turned two blind eyes can hear the clamoring of tens of thousands of demonstrators.
Mexico’s First Lady of Murder Is on the Lam|Michael Daly|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But when the end result is tens of millions raised, do the shades of vanity or petty grudges truly matter?
#IceBucketChallenge Wisdom From 'Jackass' Steve-O|Kevin Zawacki|August 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tens of thousands of Iraqis now stranded in the mountains are awaiting the outcome of those battles.
Will U.S. Troops Stand By While ISIS Starves Thousands?|Jacob Siegel|August 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As to that, we count him by tens of thousands now, and his footmen and maids by hundreds of thousands.
Beauchamp's Career, Complete|George Meredith
Gun I had not, nor ammunition; but I could have counted grouse by the thousand, ducks by hundreds, and golden plover by tens!
Across Iceland|William Bisiker
Thousands, I may say tens of thousands, from all parts of the city went forth from the gates to bid him welcome.
The Golden Grasshopper|W.H.G. Kingston
Tens of thousands of wounded and mutilated warriors will soon be added to these.
What Germany Thinks|Thomas F. A. Smith
Thanks to the art of gardeners, these trees lived some tens of years and reached a considerable height.
The Pharaoh and the Priest|Alexander Glovatski
British Dictionary definitions for TENS
/ (tɛnz) /
n acronym for
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: the application of low-voltage electric impulses to the skin to relieve rheumatic pain and provide some pain relief in labour. The pulses are said to stimulate the release of pain-killing endorphins
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; a technique used to relieve pain in an injured or diseased part of the body in which electrodes applied to the skin deliver intermittent stimulation to surface nerves and block the transmission of pain signals.