What Anna and Seth have really been able to show is how imitation works and what the contagion effect looks like on the ground.
This year’s SN 10 scientists aim to solve some of science’s biggest challenges|Science News Staff|September 30, 2020|Science News
The star machine of late-night television has become a pale imitation of itself, turning former supernova-caliber appearances into mediocre Skype calls and half-hearted attempts at staging a “feels-live” show.
‘Sunset Boulevard’ of broken dreams|David Ehrenstein|August 20, 2020|Washington Blade
A representation provides a simplified picture of a group, just as a grayscale photo can serve as a low-cost imitation of the original color image.
The ‘Useless’ Perspective That Transformed Mathematics|Kevin Hartnett|June 9, 2020|Quanta Magazine
There are Egyptian influences and an imitation Hindu temple.
The Postman Who Built a Palace in France…by Hand|Nina Strochlic|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, this is high praise.
The Stoner's Guide to the Internet|Abby Haglage|August 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The very faculty of language is, to a large extent, a matter of imitation.
You Can’t ‘Steal’ a Culture: In Defense of Cultural Appropriation|John McWhorter|July 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It used to be that we said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
You Can’t ‘Steal’ a Culture: In Defense of Cultural Appropriation|John McWhorter|July 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But now there is new way to see the matter: Imitation is a kind of dismissal.
You Can’t ‘Steal’ a Culture: In Defense of Cultural Appropriation|John McWhorter|July 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The historical plates published about the same time209 in Germany prove the same lively zeal in imitation.
Engraving: Its Origin, Processes, and History|Henri Delaborde
In imitation of foreign ways, a flat coin was introduced made of lead, and the old sea-shell was abolished as legal currency.
The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe|Ernest Young
A contrast to Diotrephes is found in Demetrius, with the threefold witness to a life so worthy of imitation.
Expositor's Bible: The Epistles of St. John|William Alexander
Again, the setting was not an imitation, but the real thing.
The Christmas Kalends of Provence|Thomas A. Janvier
On the opposite corner, diagonally, have an imitation stump with hatchet sticking in the wood.
Dinners and Luncheons|Paul Pierce
British Dictionary definitions for imitation
/ (ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃən) /
the act, practice, or art of imitating; mimicry
an instance or product of imitating, such as a copy of the manner of a person; impression
a copy or reproduction of a genuine article; counterfeit
(as modifier)imitation jewellery
(in contrapuntal or polyphonic music) the repetition of a phrase or figure in one part after its appearance in another, as in a fugue
a literary composition that adapts the style of an older work to the writer's own purposes