Hudson, who developed bronchitis and hip disease, was practically well again when the party was rescued.
South!|Sir Ernest Shackleton
Twenty-four hours later Mr. Bartlett crossed the Hudson and took a train for Springfield.
Randy of the River|Horatio Alger Jr.
I knew there were two sides to this complaint from a Hudson's Bay man.
Lords of the North|A. C. Laut
This name was based on the drawing of a specimen from Hudson Bay.
A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean in the Years 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772|Samuel Hearne
He thought Mrs. Calvert would like that, it was so much like her own Deerhurst on the Hudson.
Dorothy on a House Boat|Evelyn Raymond
British Dictionary definitions for Hudson
/ (ˈhʌdsən) /
Henry. died 1611, English navigator: he explored the Hudson River (1609) and Hudson Bay (1610), where his crew mutinied and cast him adrift to die
W (illiam) H (enry). 1841–1922, British naturalist and novelist, born in Argentina, noted esp for his romance Green Mansions (1904) and the autobiographical Far Away and Long Ago (1918)