

单词 leukaemia

Example sentences from the Web for leukaemia

  • Leukaemia patient Zakwan Anuar, 15, died two weeks after they visited his hospice in Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, last month.

    William and Kate Mourn Teenage Cancer-Sufferer|Tom Sykes|October 1, 2012|DAILY BEAST


esp US leukemia

/ (luːˈkiːmɪə) /


an acute or chronic disease characterized by a gross proliferation of leucocytes, which crowd into the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, etc, and suppress the blood-forming apparatus

Word Origin for leukaemia

C19: from leuco- + Greek haima blood

Words nearby leukaemia

leucovorin, Leuctra, leud, Leu enkephalin, leuk-, leukaemia, leukapheresis, Leukas, leukemia, leukemia cutis, leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
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