[ strahyp ] SHOW IPA
noun a relatively long, narrow band of a different color, appearance, weave, material, or nature from the rest of a surface or thing: the stripes of a zebra.
a fabric or material containing such a band or bands.
a strip of braid, tape, or the like.
stripes, a number or combination of such strips, worn on a military, naval, or other uniform as a badge of rank, service, good conduct, combat wounds, etc. Informal . status or recognition as a result of one's efforts, experience, or achievements: She earned her stripes as a traveling sales representative and then moved up to district manager. a strip, or long, narrow piece of anything: a stripe of beach.
a streak or layer of a different nature within a substance.
style, variety, sort, or kind: a man of quite a different stripe.
Also called magnetic stripe . Movies . a strip of iron oxide layer on the edge of a film that is used for recording and reproducing a magnetic sound track.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object), striped, strip·ing. to mark or furnish with a stripe or stripes.
Origin of stripe 1 1620–30; <Middle Dutch or Middle Low German strīpe; see strip2 , stripe2
OTHER WORDS FROM stripe stripeless, adjective Words nearby stripe strip bond, strip cartoon, strip city, strip club, strip cropping, stripe , striped, striped bass, striped gopher, striped hyena, striped killifish
Definition for stripe (2 of 2) [ strahyp ] SHOW IPA
noun a stroke with a whip, rod, etc., as in punishment.
Origin of stripe 2 1400–50; late Middle English; obscurely akin to stripe1
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for stripe Terrorists of most stripe s are already celebrating the “relief” that has come with the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to cause turmoil in many of the world’s biggest nations, including the United States.
Butterfly Effect: Pandemic Shrouds Terrorist Activities | Charu Kasturi| September 3, 2020| Ozy
In an era upended by pandemic and recession, companies of all stripe s have scrambled to survive, let alone innovate and scale.
Shopify, Chewy and Ally are Resilience Awards finalists | Digiday Awards| September 1, 2020| Digiday
Dončić poured in 42 points, connecting on 13 of his 21 shots from the field and 14 of 15 from the charity stripe .
Monster Games In The NBA Playoffs Aren’t Automatically Translating To Wins | Jared Dubin| August 26, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
As an innovation consultant, I regularly work with clients of all stripe s.
How can you be more innovative? Try the what-if method | Duncan Wardle| August 19, 2020| Quartz
He ended the evening with just 23 points, three assists, 11 shots and six attempts from the charity stripe .
The Raptors’ Defense Is Almost Never The Same, But It’s Always Really Good | Jared Dubin| August 17, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
New moms and dads of every stripe want their kids to grow up healthy and happy and successful.
The Neuroscience of My Gay Dad/Mom Brain | Russell Saunders| May 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
There were low-slung skirts, exposed midriffs and jutting hips, column dresses, and every kind of stripe you could imagine.
Marc Jacobs' Spring Summer 2013 Show: Walk The Line | Isabel Wilkinson| September 12, 2012| DAILY BEAST
They look fearsome on the surface, and, yes, I and others of my stripe complain about the Democrats a lot.
Obstinate Congressional GOP and Supreme Court Conservatives Reject Compromise | Michael Tomasky| July 3, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Profiteers of every stripe were involved in the contraband cotton trade, including many army officers.
What Happened When General Grant Expelled Civil War Jews | Marc Wortman| March 22, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Africa has skipped a technological generation, bypassing the landlines that stripe our Western skies for the wireless way.
The World Is Getting Better, Argues New Book, ‘Abundance’ | Sam Harris| February 21, 2012| DAILY BEAST
There is a grayish or brown dark stripe from the nostril to the eye; the stripe continues to the groin.
A Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico | William E. Duellman
When matching stripe s or plaids always turn on the line where the color changes, never through the middle of a stripe .
Handicraft for Girls | Idabelle McGlauflin
And to see the things he brought back from Oxford—quince–coloured, with a stripe that wide, like one of my fancy gourds.
Cradock Nowell, Vol. 1 (of 3) | Richard Doddridge Blackmore
This afternoon's up-journey between Havre and Rouen has been a stripe of pure bliss with no war about it at all.
Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 | Anonymous
At a turn in the road in the mountains yesterday, there stood a statue of Rob Roy painted every stripe to life.
The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I | Burton J. Hendrick
British Dictionary definitions for stripe (1 of 2) noun a relatively long band of distinctive colour or texture that differs from the surrounding material or background
a fabric having such bands
a strip, band, or chevron of fabric worn on a military uniform, etc, esp one that indicates rank
mainly US and Canadian kind; sort; type a man of a certain stripe
verb (tr) to mark with a stripe or stripes
Word Origin for stripe C17: probably from Middle Dutch strīpe; related to Middle High German strīfe, of obscure origin
British Dictionary definitions for stripe (2 of 2) noun a stroke from a whip, rod, cane, etc
Word Origin for stripe C15: perhaps from Middle Low German strippe; related to stripe 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to stripe ribbon, streak, division, layer, rule, decoration, band, stroke, fillet, bar, border, banding, striation