单词 | sharps |
释义 | sharp1 of 4adjective ˈshärp 1 : adapted to cutting or piercing: such as a : having a thin keen edge or fine point b : briskly or bitingly cold : nipping a sharp wind 2 a : keen in intellect : quick-witted b : keen in perception : acute sharp sight c : keen in attention : vigilant keep a sharp lookout d : keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical a sharp trader also : corrupt, unethical sharp business practices 3 : keen in spirit or action: such as a : full of activity or energy : brisk sharp blows b : capable of acting or reacting strongly especially : caustic 4 : severe, harsh: such as a : inclined to or marked by irritability or anger a sharp temper b : causing intense mental or physical distress a sharp pain c : cutting in language or import a sharp rebuke 5 : affecting the senses or sense organs intensely: such as a(1) : having a strong odor or flavor sharp cheese (2) : acrid b : having a strong piercing sound c : having the effect of or involving a sudden brilliant display of light a sharp flash 6 a : terminating in a point or edge sharp features b : involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction a sharp turn c : clear in outline or detail : distinct a sharp image d : set forth with clarity and distinctness sharp contrast 7 a of a tone : raised a half step in pitch b : higher than the proper pitch c : major, augmented —used of an interval in music 8 : stylish, dressy sharply adverb sharpness noun sharp 2 of 4adverb1 : in a sharp manner 2 : exactly 1:15 sharp sharp 3 of 4noun plural sharps : one that is sharp: such as a : a sharp edge or point b(1) : a musical note or tone one half step higher than a note or tone named (2) : a character ♯ on a line or space of the musical staff indicating a pitch a half step higher than the degree would indicate without it c : a needle with a small eye for sewing by hand d : a real or self-proclaimed expert also : sharper e : a medical instrument (such as a scalpel, lancet, or syringe needle) that is sharp or may produce sharp pieces by shattering —usually plural It is no longer legal to dispose of sharps in the regular trash, Health Director Jeanne M. Galloway said in announcing the new collection station. sharp 4 of 4verb sharped; sharping; sharps transitive verb : to raise (a musical tone) in pitch especially : to raise in pitch by a half step intransitive verb : to sing or play above the proper pitch sharps 1 of 2 nounas in experts a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field the computer sharp that the rest of the staff turns to whenever their PCs act up Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
sharps 2 of 2verbas in trills Synonyms & Similar Words
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