(of a line on a tidal chart) joining points at which high tide occurs simultaneously
cotidal in American English
indicating the coincidence in time or extent of tides
cotidal lines on a map
cotidal in American English
pertaining to a coincidence of tides
2. (on a chart or map)
indicating a line connecting points at which high tide occurs at the same time
Word origin
[1825–35; co- + tidal]This word is first recorded in the period 1825–35. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: archaic, electrolyte, relativity, self-help, structuralco- is a prefix meaning “with,” “together,” “in association,” sometimes with the derivedsense “auxiliary, subsidiary” (coenzyme; copilot), and, in mathematics and astronomy, with the sense “complement” (codeclination)