the main port and commercial capital of Yemen, on the N coast of the Gulf of Aden, an arm of the Indian Ocean at the entrance to the Red Sea: capital of South Yemen until 1990: formerly an important port of call on shipping routes to the East. Pop: 584 000 (2005 est)
a former British colony and protectorate on the S coast of the Arabian Peninsula: became part of South Yemen in 1967, now part of Yemen. Area: 195 sq km (75 sq miles)
Aden in American English
(ˈɑdən; ˈeɪdən)
former British colony & protectorate in SW Arabia, on the Gulf of Aden: now part of the Republic of Yemen
seaport in this region: capital of the former People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: pop. 417,000
Gulf ofgulf of the Arabian Sea, between the S coast of Arabia and Somalia in E Africa