TheCID is the branch of the police force in Britain concerned with finding out who has committed crimes. CID is an abbreviation for 'Criminal Investigation Department'.
Cid in British English
(sɪd, Spanish θið)
El orthe. original name Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. ?1043–99, Spanish soldier and hero of the wars against the Moors
CID in British English
abbreviation for
(in Britain) Criminal Investigation Department: the detective division of a police force
cruel, inhumane, and degrading: denoting the brutal and demeaning treatment of prisoners
CID in American English
Criminal Investigation Department
Cid in American English
(sɪd; Spanish θið)
the(born Rodrigo, or Ruy, Díaz de Bivar) 1040?-99; Sp. soldier & celebrated hero, esp. in Sp. literature