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View usage for: (lʌstəʳ) regional note: in AM, use luster1. uncountable nounLustre is gentle shining light that is reflected from a surface, for example from polished metal. Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals. It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk. Synonyms: sparkle, shine, glow, glitter More Synonyms of lustre 2. uncountable nounLustre is the qualities that something has that make it interesting and exciting. What do you do if your relationship is beginning to lose its lustre? Synonyms: excitement, kick [informal], pleasure, thrill More Synonyms of lustre More Synonyms of lustre lustre in British English or US luster (ˈlʌstə) noun1. reflected light; sheen; gloss 2. radiance or brilliance of light 3. great splendour of accomplishment, beauty, etc 4. a substance used to polish or put a gloss on a surface 5. a vase or chandelier from which hang cut-glass drops 6. a drop-shaped piece of cut glass or crystal used as a decoration on a chandelier, vase, etc 7. a. a shiny metallic surface on some pottery and porcelain b. (as modifier) lustre decoration 8. mineralogy the way in which light is reflected from the surface of a mineral. It is one of theproperties by which minerals are defined verb9. to make, be, or become lustrous Derived forms lustreless (ˈlustreless) or US lusterless (ˈlusterless) adjective lustrous (ˈlustrous) adjective Word origin C16: from Old French, from Old Italian lustro, from Latin lustrāre to make bright; related to lustrumlustre in American English (ˈlʌstər) noun, verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: ˈlustred or ˈlustring Examples of 'lustre' in a sentencelustre Her critics say the lustre could fade.The notion that this race is losing its lustre brings an explosive riposte.Would that give a third medal added lustre?How did something so enjoyable lose its lustre?But look closely and it loses its lustre.This race suffered a decline in the middle of the last decade but its lustre has been restored.The dance lacked lustre and shine.Over time, its lustre has faded.His exploits appeared merely to have added to his lustre in Berlin.Use in place of your serum, and spray on to styled hair to give it lustre.This is timely, since you must either restore their lustre or consider making some serious changes.Once that wears off, it maybe loses a little of its lustre.Gem still lacks some lustre.Platinum miners offered London little lustre.In recent times, the roulette wheels have not been spinning with such regularity and the casinos have lost a little of their lustre.In both cases, though, the lustre would have faded more quickly with defeat.When eye candy loses its lustre, its raison d'être is spent.Instead, couples ask for things that are decorative or luxurious, that would add lustre to the things they already own.It is the existence of that base, that consensual recognition of social usefulness, that adds lustre and value to those who do get noticed. Definition soft shining light reflected from a surface Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals. Synonyms shimmer burnish resplendence lambency luminousness Is your relationship starting to lose its lustre? Definition great splendour or glory The team is relying too much on names that have lost their lustre. Additional synonymsAn astronomer can determine the brightness of each star. Synonyms light, shine, sparkle, glare, brilliance, radiance, luminosity, incandescence, effulgence, refulgence Definition great brightness the brilliance of the sun on the water Synonyms brightness, blaze, intensity, sparkle, glitter, dazzle, gleam, sheen, lustre, radiance, luminosity, vividness, resplendence, effulgence, refulgence Synonyms shine, polish, gloss, sheen, lustre, patina - lust for or after someone or something
- lustful
- lustily
- lustre
- lustreless
- lustrous
- lusty
Additional synonymsDefinition bright light that dazzles The sun's dazzle on the water hurt my eyes. Synonyms brilliance, intensity, sparkle, blaze, glitter, gleam, sheen, brightness, lustre, radiance, luminosity, vividness, resplendence, effulgence, refulgence Definition excellence of character He is a composer of distinction and sensitivity. Synonyms excellence, note, quality, worth, account, rank, reputation, importance, consequence, fame, celebrity, merit, superiority, prominence, greatness, eminence, renown, reputeDefinition the state of being widely known or recognized At the height of his fame, his every word was valued. Synonyms prominence, glory, celebrity, stardom, name, credit, reputation, honour, prestige, stature, eminence, renown, repute, public esteem, illustriousness Definition a small beam or glow of light Her fair hair had a golden gleam. Synonyms brightness, flash, gloss, brilliance, sheen, lustreDefinition a bright gleam glints of sunlight Synonyms gleam, flash, shine, sparkle, glitter, twinkle, twinkling, glimmerDefinition a sparkling light the glitter of strobe lights and mirror balls Synonyms sparkle, flash, shine, beam, glare, gleam, brilliance, sheen, shimmer, brightness, lustre, radiance, scintillation Definition a bright shine on a surface The rain produced a black gloss on the asphalt. Synonyms shine, gleam, sheen, polish, brilliance, varnish, brightness, veneer, lustre, burnish, patina Definition a steady light without flames The rising sun cast a golden glow over the fields. Synonyms light, gleam, splendour, glimmer, brilliance, brightness, radiance, luminosity, vividness, incandescence, phosphorescence, effulgence, lambency Definition fame or glory He brought honour and glory to his country. Synonyms prestige, credit, reputation, glory, fame, distinction, esteem, dignity, elevation, eminence, renown, repute, high standing Definition an exciting effect I got a kick out of seeing my name in print. Synonyms thrill, glow, buzz (slang), tingle, high (informal), sensationAdditional synonymsDefinition high status or respect resulting from success or achievements Her work gained her international prestige. Synonyms status, standing, authority, influence, credit, regard, weight, bottom, reputation, honour, importance, fame, celebrity, distinction, esteem, stature, eminence, kudos, cachet, renown, Brownie points, mana (New Zealand) The dim bulb cast a soft radiance over his face. Synonyms brightness, light, shine, glow, glitter, glare, gleam, brilliance, lustre, luminosity, incandescence, resplendence, effulgenceDefinition widespread good reputation She used to be a singer of some renown. Synonyms fame, note, distinction, repute, mark, reputation, honour, glory, celebrity, acclaim, stardom, eminence, lustre, illustriousness Definition a state of excitement She caused a sensation at the Montreal Olympics. Synonyms excitement, surprise, thrill, stir, scandal, furore, agitation, commotionDefinition a glistening brightness on the surface of something The carpet has a silvery sheen to it. Synonyms shine, gleam, gloss, polish, brightness, lustre, burnish, patina, shininess Definition brightness or lustre There was a sparkle about her, a shine of anticipation. Synonyms brightness, light, sparkle, radianceDefinition a sudden sensation of excitement and pleasure I remember the thrill of opening presents on Christmas morning. Synonyms pleasure, charge (slang), kick (informal), glow, sensation, buzz (slang), high, stimulation, tingle, titillation, flush of excitement a sudden tingle of excitement Synonyms thrill, quiver, shiver, goose pimples |