A mesh of moving bodies partly obscured Stephanie's view of the enclosure.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
She called the police and an hour later three officers were standing around the bodies on the refectory table.
All related terms of 'bodies'
Your body is all your physical parts, including your head, arms, and legs.
any discarded part that continues to trail a satellite , rocket , etc, in orbit
an antibody that is produced in a different member of the same species via the stimulation of an isoantigen
the part of a ship forward of the foremast
to give a new body to (something, esp a vehicle )
a jet airliner having a fuselage wide enough to allow passenger seating to be divided by two aisles running from front to back
Lewy bodies
abnormal proteins that occur in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia , causing Parkinson's disease and dementia
fat body
a mass of fatty tissue in insects , used as an energy source during hibernation and metamorphosis
Barr body
a structure found on the inside of the nuclear membrane of female cells that takes a dark stain and indicates by its presence the sex of the individual
cell body
the compact area of a nerve cell that constitutes the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm , excluding the axons and dendrites
food body
a mass of nutrients attached to a seed coat, which attracts ants and thus aids dispersal of the seed
grey body
a body that emits radiation in constant proportion to the corresponding black-body radiation
black body
a hypothetical body that would be capable of absorbing all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it
body search
If a person is body searched , someone such as a police officer searches them while they remain clothed. Compare → strip-search .
body swerve
(esp in football games ) the act or an instance of swerving past an opponent
epiphysis cerebri
a pea-sized organ in the brain, situated beneath the posterior part of the corpus callosum, that secretes melatonin into the bloodstream
fruit body
the part of a fungus in which the spores are produced
full radiator
a hypothetical body that would be capable of absorbing all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it
Golgi body
a membranous complex of vesicles , vacuoles , and flattened sacs in the cytoplasm of most cells: involved in intracellular secretion and transport
immune body
→ antibody
ketone body
any of three compounds (acetoacetic acid , 3-hydroxybutanoic acid, and acetone ) produced when fatty acids are broken down in the liver to provide a source of energy . Excess ketone bodies are present in the blood and urine of people unable to use glucose as an energy source, as in diabetes and starvation
parent body
an organization's parent body is the organization that created it and usually still controls it
pineal gland
a pea-sized organ in the brain, situated beneath the posterior part of the corpus callosum, that secretes melatonin into the bloodstream
polar body
a tiny cell containing little cytoplasm that is produced with the ovum during oogenesis when the oocyte undergoes meiosis
review body
an organization sponsored by the government to make independent recommendations
rigid body
A rigid body is a body that does not deform or vibrate .
ruling body
a group or organization that controls or regulates a particular activity
stake body
a flat truck body having sockets into which stakes may be fitted , as to support railings
upper body
→ the upper body
acetone body
→ ketone body
carotid body
a small mass of cells and nerve endings adjacent to the carotid sinus that, in response to chemical changes in the blood, adjusts the respiratory rate
celestial body
an object visible in the sky , such as a planet
ciliary body
the part of the vascular tunic of the eye that connects the choroid with the iris
embryoid body
an aggregate of cells that have developed from stem cells
foreign body
A foreign body is an object that has come into something else, usually by accident , and should not be in it.
fruiting body
the part of a fungus in which the spores are produced
governing body
the group of officials who draw up the rules that govern the actions and conduct of a body such as a school, university, or sport , and who ensure that these rules are followed
heavenly body
A heavenly body is a planet, star, moon , or other natural object in space.
inclusion body
any of the small particles found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells infected with certain viruses
lifting body
a wingless aircraft or spacecraft that derives its aerodynamic lift from the shape of its body
olivary body
either of two masses of tissue on the forward portion of the medulla oblongata
pituitary gland
The pituitary gland or the pituitary is a gland that is attached to the base of the brain. It produces hormones which affect growth, sexual development, and other functions of the body.
Platonic body
any of the five possible regular polyhedra : cube, tetrahedron , octahedron , icosahedron , and dodecahedron
statutory body
a body set up by the government to consider evidence and make judgements in some field of activity
student body
A student body is all the students of a particular college or university , considered as a group.
vitreous body
a transparent gelatinous substance, permeated by fine fibrils , that fills the interior of the eyeball between the lens and the retina
voluntary agency
an organization that is composed of or functions with the aid of volunteers and which provides aid or services to individuals , groups or countries
voluntary body
an organization that is composed of or functions with the aid of volunteers and which provides aid or services to individuals, groups or countries
voluntary organization
an organization that is composed of or functions with the aid of volunteers and which provides aid or services to individuals , groups or countries