A reef is a long line of rocks or sand, the top of which is just above or just below thesurface of the sea.
An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
Synonyms: shoal, key, bar, shelf More Synonyms of reef
reef in British English1
a ridge of rock, sand, coral, etc, the top of which lies close to the surface of the sea
a ridge- or mound-like structure built by sedentary calcareous organisms (esp corals) and consisting mainly of their remains
a vein of ore, esp one of gold-bearing quartz
Word origin
C16: from Middle Dutch ref, from Old Norse rifrib1, reef2
reef in British English2
(riːf) nautical
the part gathered in when sail area is reduced, as in a high wind
to reduce the area of (sail) by taking in a reef
3. (transitive)
to shorten or bring inboard (a spar)
Word origin
C14: from Middle Dutch rif; related to Old Norse rif reef, rib1, German reffen to reef; see reef1
Reef in British English
the Reef
1. another name for the Great Barrier Reef
2. another name for the Witwatersrand
reef in American English1
a line or ridge of rock, coral, or sand lying at or near the surface of the water
2. Mining
a bed or vein of ore; lode
Word origin
prob. via Du or MLowG rif < ON, lit., rib
reef in American English2
1. Nautical
a part of a sail which can be folded or rolled up and made fast to reduce the area exposed to the wind, as during a storm
verb transitive
to reduce the size of (a sail) by taking in part of it
to lower (a spar or mast) or reduce the projection of (a bowsprit)
Word origin
ME riff < or akin to ON rif (< IE *reip-, a strip < base *rei-, to tear, cut > rive): orig. used of cords for reefing
Examples of 'reef' in a sentence
And you can wake up and snorkel around colourful coral reefs two minutes from your bed.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The ocean temperature was above normal in most areas, prompting mass bleaching of many coral reefs.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Still, no amount of selfie sticks could spoil my enjoyment of jumping off the back of a boat into coral reefs for a quick snorkel before lunch.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But the reef is not just about coral and fish.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Tourists have also been blamed for damaging its coral reefs and marine fauna.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Off the main beach is a reef patrolled by a staggering array of fish.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It has an unspoilt house reef, with diving and snorkelling boat trips available and surfing too.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The Trust said artificial reefs could be built to hide fish from predators.
The Sun (2012)
Gibraltar constructed an artificial reef last week to deter Spanish fishing.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It told me to expect white sandy beaches, amazing reefs and inland rainforests.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The gasps told it all - turquoise sea and coral reefs as far as the eye could see.
The Sun (2010)
THE coast around the resort has an unrivalled combination of reefs and sea life.
The Sun (2011)
There are many uninhabited islands to explore nearby, plus one of the best house reefs in the country.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The island is probably more suited to those who have dived before as it doesn't have its own house reef.
The Sun (2009)
Ten tourists and five crew members remain missing after their boat hit a coral reef during stormy seas on Friday night.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
By the end of the race you can do certain things like putting in or taking out a reef in the sail almost without waking up.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The Maldives is slowly being submerged and with this technology we could make new islands and combine them with artificial coral reefs.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
I had been diving on coral reefs in fearsome currents, uninsured.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Other highlights include diving the Caribbean's largest barrier reef and hiking in the rainforest.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The world's longest chalk reef has been discovered by divers off the coast of Norfolk.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
And then you're under, sinking towards the sand and reef.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It offers pristine beaches, unspoilt forests and the second-largest barrier reef in the world.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Otherwise, a team of marine biologists are diving off the Caribbean reef to study coral bleaching.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The islands, known for their beautiful beaches and unspoilt coral reefs, also harbour a reputation as a tax haven.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Q We are looking for a hotel with a house reef this winter, where we can snorkel straight from the shore and surf.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
In other languages
British English: reef NOUN
A reef is a long line of rocks or sand, the top of which is just above or just below the surface of the sea.
An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
American English: reef
Brazilian Portuguese: recife
Chinese: 礁
European Spanish: arrecife
French: récif
German: Riff
Italian: scogliera
Japanese: 礁
Korean: 암초
European Portuguese: recife
Latin American Spanish: arrecife
All related terms of 'reef'
reef knot
a knot consisting of two overhand knots turned opposite ways
coral reef
A coral reef is a long narrow mass of coral and other substances, the top of which is usually just above or just below the surface of the sea.
patch reef
a relatively small, isolated coral reef
reef point
one of several short lengths of line stitched through a sail for tying a reef
barrier reef
a long narrow coral reef near and lying parallel to the shore , separated from it by deep water
fringing reef
a coral reef close to the shore to which it is attached, having a steep seaward edge
a rocky ridge in NE South Africa: contains the richest gold deposits in the world, also coal and manganese ; chief industrial centre is Johannesburg . Height : 1500–1800 m (5000–6000 ft)
Great Barrier Reef
a coral reef in the Coral Sea , off the NE coast of Australia , extending for about 2000 km (1250 miles) from the Torres Strait along the coast of Queensland ; the largest coral reef in the world
flat knot
a knot consisting of two overhand knots turned opposite ways
whitetip shark
a smooth dogfish , Triaenodon obseus , having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins and occurring inshore among the reefs in the Pacific and Indian oceans and the Red Sea
Chinese translation of 'reef'
暗礁 (ànjiāo)
a ridge of rock, sand, or coral, lying just beneath the surface of the sea
An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.
She had climbed onto the ledge outside his window
barrier reef
Additional synonyms
in the sense of ledge
a narrow shelflike projection on a cliff or mountain