A pint is a unit of measurement for liquids. In Britain, it is equal to 568 cubic centimetres or one eighth of an imperial gallon. In America, it is equal to 473 cubic centimetres or one eighth of an American gallon.
...a pint of milk. [+ of]
The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross. [+ of]
...glasses which can hold a full pint.
2. countable noun
If you go for a pint, you go to the pub to drink a pint of beer or more.
He sits down and reads the paper, then goes out for a pint.
More Synonyms of pint
pint in British English
a unit of liquid measure of capacity equal to one eighth of a gallon. 1 Brit pint is equal to 0.568 litre, 1 US pint to 0.473 litre
a unit of dry measure of capacity equal to one half of a quart. 1 US dry pint is equal to one sixty-fourth of a US bushel or 0.5506 litre
a measure having such a capacity
4. British informal
a pint of beer
a drink of beer
he's gone out for a pint
Word origin
C14: from Old French pinte, of uncertain origin; perhaps from Medieval Latin pincta marks used in measuring liquids, ultimately from Latin pingere to paint; compare Middle Low German, Middle Dutch pinte
pint in American English
a unit of liquid measure, equal to 1⁄2 of a liquid quart or 16 fluid ounces (4 gills or 0.4732 liquid liter): the British and Canadian imperial pint equals 0.5682 liquid liter
a unit of dry measure, equal to 1⁄2 of a dry quart or 1⁄16 peck (0.5506 dry liter or 33.6003 cubic inches)
any container with a capacity of one pint
3. British, Informal
a pint of beer
▶ USAGE: Abbrev. pt
Word origin
ME pynte < MFr pinte < ML pinta, prob. < VL *pincta, for L picta, fem. pp. of pingere, to paint: orig. prob. a spot marking the level in a measure
More idioms containing
a quart into a pint pot
Examples of 'pint' in a sentence
He initially admitted having had three pints of beer but then blamed his drunkenness on the cake.
The Sun (2017)
He handed himself in the next day and told cops he had drunk two or three pints of beer.
The Sun (2016)
Heavy drinkers were those who had up to three pints of beer or six glasses of wine once a week.
The Sun (2016)
All bar one enjoyed a pint.
The Sun (2017)
Fine, go to your local and drink four pints at lunchtime.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We don't have far to go for a pint.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Valid for two uses, that is eight pints of milk for free.
The Sun (2016)
A primary school teacher who died hours after a caesarean section lost four pints of blood, an inquest was told.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
We can lose pints of liquid per hour if it is hot enough.
Chaitow, Leon Body Odour (1994)
Women could breach it by drinking a half pint or small glass of wine.
The Sun (2010)
It would put some people over the limit after one strong pint or a glass of wine.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
This would limit drivers to half a pint of beer or a small glass of wine.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We used to play golf or go for a pint together all the time.
The Sun (2009)
Not less than six pints of liquid should be consumed.
Chaitow, Leon Body Odour (1994)
Hence my recommendation that you have half a pint of skimmed milk daily.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It would mean motorists could be over the limit after just one pint.
The Sun (2014)
The cut in the price of a pint of beer.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We are going for a pint at lunchtime.
The Sun (2015)
Can you buy a pint of milk within walking distance?
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Have half a pint of skimmed milk in drinks or cereal each day.
The Sun (2012)
Steak and chips and a pint of beer are more his thing.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
They go for a pint after work.
The Sun (2014)
It means a man could be over the limit after just one pint or a large glass of wine.
The Sun (2010)
It is targeted at men who drink three pints a day or women downing two glasses of wine a day.
The Sun (2014)
She was given 30 pints of blood as doctors fought to save her life.
The Sun (2009)
He required 40 pints of blood to top him up.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He had received 36 pints of blood to keep him alive.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Drink three to four pints of liquid a day, but lay off too much tea and coffee.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
I keep a bottle in my fridge and drink a pint most afternoons.
The Sun (2012)
If you drink a pint of hot honey and lemon, or peppermint tea whilst you soak it will further encourage sweating.
Trickett, Shirley Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills (1991)
Perhaps our leaders would do better using British pint as a measure of economic value rather than the volatile currencies now in use.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Which I hope they measured in pints.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
In other languages
British English: pint /paɪnt/ NOUN
A pint is a unit of measurement for liquids. In Britain, it is equal to 568 cubic centimetres or one eighth of an imperial gallon. In America, it is equal to 473 cubic centimetres or one eighth of an American gallon.