a port in SW Italy, in SE Sicily on the Ionian Sea: founded in 734 bc by Greeks from Corinth and taken by the Romans in 212 bc, after a siege of three years. Pop: 123 657 (2001)
Italian name: Siracusa
2. (ˈsɪrəˌkjuːs)
a city in central New York State, on Lake Onondaga: site of the capital of the Iroquois federation. Pop: 144 001 (2003 est)
Syracuse in American English
(ˈsɪrəˌkjus; ˈsɪrəˌkjuz)
city in central N.Y.: pop. 147,000
seaport on the SE coast of Sicily: in ancient times, a Greek city-state: pop. 126,000