Your knuckles are the rounded pieces of bone that form lumps on your hands where your fingers join your hands, and where your fingers bend.
Her knuckles were white as she gripped the arms of the chair.
American English: knuckle
Brazilian Portuguese: nó
Chinese: 指关节
European Spanish: nudillo
French: articulation du doigt
German: Knöchel
Italian: nocca
Japanese: こぶし
Korean: 손가락 관절
European Portuguese: nó
Latin American Spanish: nudillo
All related terms of 'knuckle'
without boxing gloves
knuckle ball
a slow pitch without spin thrown with the first knuckles , or the nails , of the middle two or three fingers pressed against the ball
knuckle down
If someone knuckles down , they begin to work or study very hard, especially after a period when they have done very little work.
knuckle joint
any of the joints of the fingers
knuckle under
If you knuckle under , you do what someone else tells you to do or what a situation forces you to do, because you realize that you have no choice .
In a fairground , a white-knuckle ride is any large machine that people ride on which is very exciting but also frightening .
A knuckle-duster is a piece of metal that is designed to be worn on the back of a person's hand as a weapon , so that if they hit someone they will hurt them badly .
knuckle sandwich
a punch in the mouth
near the knuckle
close to the limits of what people find acceptable