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English translation of '面'


  1. (= ) face
    ⇒ 面色 (miànsè) expression
    ⇒ 面露难色 (miàn lù nán sè) look reluctant
    ⇒ 他面带笑容。 (Tā miàn dài xiàoróng.) He had a smile on his face.
  2. (= 表面) surface
    ⇒ 水面 (shuǐmiàn) surface of the water
  3. (= 方位) aspect
    ⇒ 前面 (qiánmiàn) front
    ⇒ 考虑问题要全面。 (Kǎolǜ wèntí yào quánmiàn.) We should examine every aspect of this problem.
  4. (, = 当面)
    ⇒ 面试 (miànshì) interview
    ⇒ 法国签证得面签。 (Fǎguó qiānzhèng děi miànqiān.) You have to have an interview to get a French visa.
  5. (= 情面) self-respect
    ⇒ 面子 (miànzi) face
  6. (= 粉末) powder
    ⇒ 辣椒面 (làjiāomiàn) chilli powder
  7. (磨成粉的粮食) flour
    ⇒ 面粉 (miànfěn) flour
    ⇒ 白面 (báimiàn) wheat flour
  8. (= 面条) noodles pl

  1. (= ) face
    ⇒ 面墙而坐 (miàn qiáng ér zuò) sit facing the wall

  1. (用于扁平物)
    ⇒ 一面墙 (yī miàn qiáng) a wall
    ⇒ 两面镜子 (liǎng miàn jìngzi) two mirrors
    measure word, used for objects with a flat surface, such as walls, mirrors, drums,etc.
  2. (指见面的次数)
    ⇒ 我只见过她一面。 (Wǒ zhǐ jiànguo tā yī miàn.) I've only met her once before.
    ⇒ 我们见过几面。 (Wǒmen jiànguo jǐ miàn.) We've met a few times.
    measure word, used for encounters between two people




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