A pager is a small electronic device which you can carry around with you and which givesyou a number or a message when someone is trying to contact you.
[mainly British]regional note: in AM, usually use beeper
pager in British English
a small electronic device, capable of receiving short messages; usually carried by people who need to be contacted urgently (e.g. doctors)
pager in American English
an electronic device that sends or receives a signal and emits a beep, buzz, etc., esp., a small, portable receiver used to contact people for messages
Examples of 'pager' in a sentence
As for being called out, I've not got a mobile or even a pager with me.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
Doc turned off his pager again and stuck it into his pocket, scowling as the police jeep pulled to a standstill in front of them.
Nicola Barker BEHINDLINGS (2001)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: pager /ˈpeɪdʒə/ NOUN
A pager is a small electronic device which gives you a message when someone is trying to contact you.
Lots of messages on his pager have not been answered.