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View usage for: uncivil in British English (ʌnˈsɪvəl) adjective1. lacking civility or good manners 2. an obsolete word for uncivilized Derived forms uncivility (ˌʌnsɪˈvɪlɪtɪ) or uncivilness (unˈcivilness) noun uncivilly (unˈcivilly) adverb uncivil in American English (ʌnˈsɪvəl) adjective1. not civilized; barbarous 2. not civil or courteous; ill-mannered SIMILAR WORDS: rude Derived forms uncivilly (unˈcivilly) adverb Examples of 'uncivil' in a sentenceuncivil He'd been short and uncivil with her, but it was difficult enough coping with his own problems at the moment, let alone hers.Technically, they were not supposed to drink on duty, but he felt it was uncivil to be in a bar and not buy any of its chief commodity.Walking down the town's narrow central street, they created their own, uncivil procession. Synonyms of 'uncivil'impolite, rude, bad-mannered, surly More Synonyms of uncivil Definition impolite, rude or bad-mannered The shock of being addressed in such an uncivil tone was too much. Synonyms bad-mannered bearish unmannerly Opposites civil , mannerly , polite , courteous , polished , refined , respectful , well-bred , well-mannered Additional synonymsSynonyms gruff, rough, clumsy, sullen, surly, churlishthe boorish behaviour of some players Synonyms loutish, gross, crude, rude, hick (informal, US, Canadian), coarse, vulgar, rustic, barbaric, churlish, uneducated, bearish, uncouth, unrefined, uncivilized, clownish, oafish, lubberlyDefinition blunt or curt in manner or speech The doctors are brusque and busy. Synonyms curt, short, sharp, blunt, tart, abrupt, hasty, terse, surly, gruff, impolite, monosyllabic, discourteous, unmannerly- uncharted
- unchaste
- unchecked
- uncivil
- uncivilized
- unclad
- uncle
Additional synonymsDefinition surly and rude It seemed churlish to refuse an offer meant so kindly. Synonyms rude, harsh, crabbed, vulgar, sullen, surly, morose, brusque, ill-tempered, boorish, uncouth, impolite, loutish, oafish, uncivil, unmannerlyDefinition showing bad manners Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude. Synonyms rude, abrupt, curt, disrespectful, brusque, offhand, boorish, bad-mannered, insolent, impolite, ungentlemanly, ungracious, uncivil, ill-bred, unmannerly, ill-mannered, uncourteous People shouldn't treat each other in this disrespectful way. Synonyms contemptuous, insulting, rude, cheeky, irreverent, bad-mannered, impertinent, insolent, impolite, impudent, discourteous, uncivilDefinition rough or surly in manner or speech His gruff exterior concealed a kind heart. Synonyms surly, rough, rude, grumpy, blunt, crabbed, crusty, sullen, bad-tempered, curt, churlish, bearish, brusque, impolite, grouchy (informal), ungracious, discourteous, uncivil, ill-humoured, unmannerly, ill-naturedDefinition lacking good manners They seemed to her rather vulgar and ill-bred. Synonyms bad-mannered, rude, coarse, vulgar, crass, churlish, boorish, uncouth, unrefined, impolite, ungentlemanly, uncivilized, discourteous, indelicate, uncivil, unladylike, ungallant, unmannerly, ill-manneredDefinition having bad manners She would have considered it ill-mannered to show surprise. Synonyms rude, impolite, discourteous, coarse, churlish, boorish, insolent, uncouth, loutish, uncivil, ill-bred, badly behaved, ill-behaved, unmannerlyDefinition insulting or impolite He's rude to her friends. Synonyms impolite, insulting, cheeky, abrupt, short, blunt, abusive, curt, churlish, disrespectful, brusque, offhand, impertinent, insolent, inconsiderate, peremptory, impudent, discourteous, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-manneredDefinition bad-tempered and rude He behaves in a surly and rude manner towards me. Synonyms ill-tempered, cross, churlish, crabbed, perverse, crusty, sullen, gruff, bearish, sulky, morose, brusque, testy, grouchy (informal), curmudgeonly, ungracious, uncivil, shrewishDefinition lacking in good manners, refinement, or grace that oafish, uncouth person Synonyms coarse, rough, gross, awkward, crude, rude, clumsy, vulgar, rustic, barbaric, unseemly, ungainly, boorish, gawky, unrefined, loutish, graceless, uncultivated, uncivilized, clownish, oafish, ill-mannered, lubberly |