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View usage for: (səbsaɪd) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense subsides, present participle subsiding, past tense, past participle subsided1. verbIf a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud. The pain had subsided during the night. [VERB] Catherine's sobs finally subsided. [VERB] Synonyms: decrease, diminish, lessen, ease More Synonyms of subside 2. verbIf fighting subsides, it becomes less intense or general. Violence has subsided following two days of riots. [VERB] 3. verbIf the ground or a building is subsiding, it is very slowly sinking to a lower level. Does that mean the whole house is subsiding? [VERB] Synonyms: collapse, sink, cave in, drop More Synonyms of subside 4. verbIf a level of water, especially flood water, subsides, it goes down. Local officials say the flood waters have subsided. [VERB] Synonyms: drop, fall, decline, ebb More Synonyms of subside subside in British English (səbˈsaɪd) verb (intransitive)1. to become less loud, excited, violent, etc; abate 2. to sink or fall to a lower level 3. (of the surface of the earth, etc) to cave in; collapse 4. (of sediment, etc) to sink or descend to the bottom; settle Derived forms subsider (subˈsider) noun Word origin C17: from Latin subsīdere to settle down, from sub- down + sīdere to settle subside in American English (səbˈsaɪd) verb intransitiveWord forms: subˈsided or subˈsiding1. to sink or fall to the bottom; settle, as sediment 2. to sink to a lower level 3. to become less active, intense, etc.; abate SIMILAR WORDS: wane Derived forms subsidence (subˈsidence) (səbˈsaɪdəns; ˈsʌbsɪdəns) noun Word origin L subsidere < sub-, under + sidere, to settle < sedere, to sit Examples of 'subside' in a sentencesubside Finally the pain subsides and my hair is fresh and clean.There was an intense pain for five seconds but the feeling subsided quickly.That pain rises and subsides through the months and years.But when anxious people had coffee as part of a group, their feelings of stress subsided.If there are tender spots, press gently until the pain subsides.As the injury heals so the pain should subside, but that is not always the case.When the noise subsided, the man spoke again.And that feeling didn't subside.I sat on the couch hoping the feeling would subside, but it only got worse.The after-effects of that European game may now finally subside.Those feelings subside a little but it's always a tremendous honour to play for England.Our research found that when stressed-out workers had a brew with colleagues, their feelings subsided.Once the router is switched off, the feeling subsides within 10 minutes.Alone in my room after the first wave of attack had finally subsided, helplessness reduced me to hot, angry tears. Finally it subsided; I was deathly white.The bike slows and the wind noise subsides and I meander around the twists with all the speed of an old maid cycling through a country village.Probably these proud feelings will soon subside dramatically, when all the traffic is back, and the economy is the first thing on the news again. In other languagessubside British English: subside VERB If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud. The pain had subsided during the night. - American English: subside
- Brazilian Portuguese: acalmar-se
- Chinese: 减弱
- European Spanish: remitirse
- French: diminuer
- German: nachlassen
- Italian: calmarsi
- Japanese: 静まる
- Korean: 가라앉다
- European Portuguese: acalmar-se
- Latin American Spanish: remitirse
Chinese translation of 'subside' vi - [feeling]
平息 (píngxī) - [flood, river]
减(減)退 (jiǎntuì) - [earth, building]
下陷 (xiàxiàn)
Definition to become less loud, excited, or violent The pain had subsided during the night. Synonyms ebb melt away quieten level off de-escalate Opposites rise , increase, grow , mount , soar , swell , intensify , wax , heighten , escalate , inflate , tumefy Definition (of the surface of the earth) to cave in Does that mean that the whole house is subsiding? Definition to sink to a lower level Local officials say the flood waters have subsided. Additional synonymsDefinition to make or become less strong The storms soon abated. Synonyms decrease, decline, relax, ease, sink, fade, weaken, diminish, dwindle, lessen, slow, wane, subside, ebb, let up, slacken, attenuate, taper offDefinition to reduce the intensity of (a problem or situation) Synonyms reduce, limit, check, contain, diminish, decrease, curb, lessen, minimize, defuse, damp down, take the heat or sting out Definition to become smaller, weaker, or less important a declining birth rate Synonyms fall, fail, drop, contract, lower, sink, flag, fade, shrink, diminish, decrease, slow down, fall off, dwindle, lessen, wane, ebb, slacken- subsequent to
- subsequently
- subservient
- subside
- subsidence
- subsidiary
- subsidize
Additional synonymsDefinition to move or fall to a lower level, pitch, etc. Disaster struck as the plane descended through the mist. Synonyms fall, drop, sink, go down, plunge, dive, tumble, plummet, subside, move down Definition to make or become smaller, fewer, or less The threat of war has diminished. Synonyms decrease, decline, lessen, contract, weaken, shrink, dwindle, wane, recede, subside, ebb, taper, die out, fade away, abate, peter outDefinition to grow less in size, strength, or number The factory's workforce has dwindled. Synonyms lessen, fall, decline, contract, sink, fade, weaken, shrink, diminish, decrease, decay, wither, wane, subside, ebb, die down, die out, abate, shrivel, peter out, die away, waste away, taper off, grow less Definition to make or become less difficult or severe The heavy snow had eased a little. Synonyms reduce, moderate, weaken, diminish, decrease, slow down, dwindle, lessen, die down, abate, slacken, grow less, de-escalateDefinition to fall away or decline There were occasions when my enthusiasm ebbed. Synonyms decline, drop, sink, flag, weaken, shrink, diminish, decrease, deteriorate, decay, dwindle, lessen, subside, degenerate, fall away, fade away, abate, peter out, slackenDefinition to become less or lower in number or quality Her weight fell as she excerised more and ate healthily. Synonyms decrease, drop, decline, go down, flag, slump, diminish, fall off, dwindle, lessen, subside, ebb, abate, depreciate, become lower Definition to make or become less Keep immunisations up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness. Synonyms reduce, lower, diminish, decrease, relax, ease, narrow, moderate, dial down, weaken, erode, impair, degrade, minimize, curtail, lighten, wind down, abridge, de-escalateDefinition to diminish or stop The rain had let up. Synonyms stop, diminish, decrease, subside, relax, ease (up), moderate, lessen, abate, slackenDefinition to cause or allow to move down They lowered the boat into the water. Synonyms drop, sink, depress, let down, submerge, take down, let fall, make lower Definition to make or become less extreme or violent The crisis has moderated somewhat. Synonyms lessen, relax, ease, wane, abateAdditional synonymsDefinition to come gradually to an end The strike seemed to be petering out. Synonyms die out, stop, fail, run out, fade, dwindle, evaporate, wane, give out, ebb, come to nothing, run dry, taper offDefinition to become more distant The illness began to recede. Synonyms lessen, decline, subside, abate, sink, fade, shrink, diminish, dwindle, wane, ebbDefinition to subside Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded. Synonyms subside, fall, sink, decline, gravitateDefinition to move or fall into a lower position, esp. due to tiredness or weakness Kate laughed, and sank down again to her seat. Synonyms slump, drop, flop, collapse, droop, plonk yourself (informal), plump yourself Definition to make or become slower or less intense Inflationary pressures continued to slacken last month. Synonyms lessen, reduce, decrease, ease (off), moderate, diminish, slow down, drop off, abate, let up, slack off Definition to decrease gradually in size, strength, or power His interest in art to wane. Synonyms decline, flag, weaken, diminish, fall, fail, drop, sink, fade, decrease, dim, dwindle, wither, lessen, subside, ebb, wind down, die out, fade away, abate, draw to a close, atrophy, taper off |