The infinitive of a verb is the basic form, for example 'do', 'be', 'take', and 'eat'. The infinitive is often used with 'to' in front of it.
English Easy Learning GrammarThe to infinitiveThe to infinitive is used as follows: after an adjective of quality such as small, tall, agreeable, pleasant, funny thatis used in combination with too. The ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarThe to infinitive and the -ing formThe to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used aftercertain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarAdverbs and adverbialsWhen you want to add information about how, when, where, or to what extent somethinghas happened, you can use an adverbial. Many adverbials are members ... Read more
infinitive in British English
noun grammar
a form of the verb not inflected for grammatical categories such as tense and person and used without an overt subject. In English, the infinitive usually consists of the word to followed by the verb
Derived forms
infinitival (ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtaɪvəl)
infinitively (inˈfinitively) or infinitivally (ˌinfiniˈtivally)
infinitive in American English
1. Grammar
of or connected with an infinitive
an infinitive phrase
2. Grammar
the form of the verb that expresses existence or action without reference to person, number, or tense and can also function as a noun: in English, it is usually the form of the the first person singular present preceded by the marker to (Ex.: to go, to think) or by another verb form (Ex.: can he speak? make him try)
Derived forms
infinitival (inˌfiniˈtival) (ɪnˈfɪnɪˈtaɪvəl)
Word origin
LL infinitivus < L infinitivus (modus), lit., unlimited (mood) < infinitus (see infinite): so named because it is not limited to any person, number, or tense
In other languages
British English: infinitive /ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv/ NOUN
The infinitive of a verb is its base form or simplest form, such as `do', `take', and `eat'. The infinitive is often used with `to' in front of it.