Scottish means belonging or relating to Scotland, its people, language, or culture.
...Scottish football.
...the Scottish Highlands.
Scottish in British English
of, relating to, or characteristic of Scotland, its people, their Gaelic language, or their English dialect
2. the Scottish
Scottish in American English
of Scotland or its people, variety of English, or culture
the variety of English spoken by the people of Scotland
the Scottish
▶ USAGE: Scottish, the original form, is preferred to Scotch and Scots in U.S. and British formal and literary usage with reference to the people, the country,etc., and in Scotland has replaced Scotch, the informal form prevailing in the U.S. and England; but with some words, Scotch is almost invariably used (e.g., tweed, whisky), with others, Scots (e.g., law, mile)
Word origin
ME Scottissh < Late OE Scottisc, for earlier Scyttisc
In other languages
British English: Scottish /ˈskɒtɪʃ/ ADJECTIVE
Scottish means belonging or relating to Scotland, its people, language, or culture.
...Scottish football.
American English: Scottish
Arabic: اِسْكُتْلانْدِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: escocês
Chinese: 苏格兰的
Croatian: škotski
Czech: skotský
Danish: skotsk
Dutch: Schots
European Spanish: escocés
Finnish: skotlantilainen adjektiivi
French: écossais
German: schottisch
Greek: σκωτικός
Italian: scozzese
Japanese: スコットランドの
Korean: 스코틀랜드의
Norwegian: skotsk
Polish: szkocki
European Portuguese: escocês
Romanian: scoțian
Russian: шотландский
Latin American Spanish: escocés
Swedish: skotsk
Thai: เกี่ยวกับสกอตแลนด์
Turkish: İskoç
Ukrainian: шотландський
Vietnamese: thuộc Scotland
All related terms of 'Scottish'
Scottish Fold
a breed of medium-sized short-haired cat with folded ears
Scottish rite
a ceremonial system in Freemasonry
the Scottish
the Scots collectively
Scottish Gaelic
the Goidelic language of the Celts of Scotland, spoken in the Highlands and Western Isles
Scottish Office
→ the Scottish Office
Scottish topaz
a form of yellow transparent quartz
Scottish Blackface
a common breed of hardy mountain sheep having horns and a black face , kept chiefly on the mainland of Scotland
Scottish Borders
a council area in SE Scotland , on the English border : created in 1996, it has the same boundaries as the former Borders Region: it is mainly hilly, with agriculture (esp sheep farming ) the chief economic activity. Administrative centre: Newtown St Boswells. Pop: 108 280 (2003 est). Area: 4734 sq km (1827 sq miles)
Scottish deerhound
any of a breed of tall , slender , swift hound resembling the greyhound but with a rough , wiry coat: orig. used in Scotland for hunting deer
Scottish Secretary
the Secretary of State for Scotland , head of the Scotland Office, a UK government department with responsibility for some Scottish affairs
Scottish terrier
a small but sturdy breed of terrier , having short legs and erect ears and tail and a longish , wiry , usually black coat
Scottish Nationalism
a political ideology advocating the independence of Scotland
Scottish Parliament
→ the Scottish Parliament
the Scottish Office
(formerly) a department of the UK government under the control of the Secretary of State for Scotland , responsible for a wide range of functions relating to Scotland. Most of these are now (since 1999) the responsibility of the Scottish government; the others are the responsibility of the Scotland Office
Scottish country dancing
a type of Scottish folk dancing, including reels , jigs , and strathspeys , in which couples are arranged in sets and perform a series of movements, esp facing one another in a line
Scottish National Party
a political party advocating the independence of Scotland , founded in 1934
the Scottish Parliament
the devolved national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh
Aberdeen terrier
a small but sturdy breed of terrier , having short legs and erect ears and tail and a longish , wiry , usually black coat
Scottish Certificate of Education
Scottish Certificate of Education : either of two public examinations in specific subjects taken as school-leaving qualifications or as qualifying examinations for entry into a university, college , etc