a press that utilizes liquid pressure to enable a small force applied to a small piston to produce a large force on a larger piston. The small piston moves through a proportionatelygreater distance than the larger
hydraulic press in Mechanical Engineering
(haɪdrɔlɪk prɛs)
Word forms: (plural) hydraulic presses
(Mechanical engineering: Manufacturing and assembly)
A hydraulic press is a press that uses liquid pressure to make a small force applied to a small pistonproduce a large force on a larger piston.
A hydraulic press produces a great deal of force from the application of a small amount of force tothe small piston.
A hydraulic press applies pressure of about 2500 psi between the second pressure-bonding plate andthe pressure-bonding die.
A hydraulic press is a press that uses liquid pressure to make a small force applied to a small pistonproduce a large force on a larger piston.
hydraulic, press
Examples of 'hydraulic press' in a sentence
hydraulic press
A quick-thinking technician hit the button to lower the hydraulic press and the doors missed the helicopter's rotors by inches.