Among the pre-emergent herbicides, sulfentrazone showed longer residual activity, negatively influencing the crop's yield during the time interval studied.
H.A. Dan, L.G.M. Dan, A.L.L. Barroso, S.O. Procópio, R.S. Oliveira JR., R.L. Assis,A.G. Silva, C. Feldkircher 2011, 'Atividade residual de herbicidas pré-emergentes aplicados na cultura da soja sobreo milheto cultivado em sucessão Effect of the residual activity of pre-emergent herbicidesapplied in soybean on pearl millet cultivated in succession', Planta Daninha Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
With this in mind, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides applied to pre-emergent cotton crops.
Miriam Hiroko Inoue, Rubém Silvério de Oliveira Junior, Ronei Ben, Rivanildo Dallacort,Cassiano Luiz Sztoltz 2013, 'Seletividade de herbicidas aplicados em pré-emergência na cultura do algodão Selectivityof herbicides applied to pre-emergent cotton crops', Revista Ciência Agronômica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (