A stock exchange is a place where people buy and sell stocks and shares. Thestock exchange is also the trading activity that goes on there and the trading organization itself.
The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.
...the New York Stock Exchange.
stock exchange in British English
noun(often capitals)
1. Also called: stock market
a highly organized market facilitating the purchase and sale of securities and operated by professional stockbrokers and market makers according to fixed rules
a place where securities are regularly traded
(as modifier)
a stock-exchange operator
stock-exchange prices
the prices or trading activity of a stock exchange
the stock exchange fell heavily today
stock exchange in American English
a place where stocks and bonds are regularly bought and sold
an association whose members meet together for the business of buying and selling stocks and bonds according to regulations
Examples of 'stock exchange' in a sentence
stock exchange
Other more familiar names could also join the stock exchange.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The disciple today does not literally have five golden coins that he takes to the stock exchange.
Christianity Today (2000)
They are listed on the London stock exchange and you buy them like any other share.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
A full stock exchange listing would take much longer.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They had wanted to float the business on the Hong Kong stock exchange rather than sell it.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Either way, he won't be tempted to float the business on the stock exchange or sell out to another company.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In other languages
stock exchange
British English: stock exchange /stɒk ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ NOUN
A stock exchange is a place where people buy and sell stocks and shares.
The daily newspapers print a list of stocks trading on the stock exchange.
American English: stock exchange
Arabic: بُورْصَة
Brazilian Portuguese: bolsa de valores
Chinese: 证券交易所
Croatian: burza
Czech: burza cenných papírů budova
Danish: børshandel
Dutch: effectenbeurs
European Spanish: bolsa de valores
Finnish: arvopaperipörssi
French: bourse marchés
German: Börse
Greek: χρηματιστήριο
Italian: Borsa Valori
Japanese: 証券取引所
Korean: 증권 거래소
Norwegian: børs
Polish: giełda papierów wartościowych
European Portuguese: bolsa de valores
Romanian: bursă de valori
Russian: фондовая биржа
Latin American Spanish: bolsa de valores
Swedish: börs bondbörs
Thai: ตลาดหลักทรัพย์
Turkish: borsa
Ukrainian: фондова біржа
Vietnamese: sàn giao dịch
All related terms of 'stock exchange'
Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times based on an average of 100 securities and giving the best indication of daily movements
New York Stock Exchange
Financial Times Stock Exchange Eurotrack 100 Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times of 100 companies from Continental Europe, designed to reflect the wider European market
FT-SE 100 Index
Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
an index of share prices produced by the Financial Times of 100 companies from Continental Europe, designed to reflect the wider European market