Martín Alonzo (marˈtin aˈlɔnθo). ?1440–93, Spanish navigator, who commanded the Pinta on Columbus' first expedition (1492–93), which he abandoned in a vain attempt to be the first to arrive back in Spain
his brother, Vicente Yáñez (biˈθente ˈjaɲɛθ). ?1460–?1524, Spanish navigator, who commanded the Niña on Columbus' first expedition (1492–93)
Pinzón in American English
Marˈtín Aˈlonso (mɑʀˈtin ɑˈlɔnsɔ) 1440?-93; Sp. navigator with Columbus; commanded the Pinta
Viˈcenˈte Yáñez (viˈðɛnˈtɛ jɑnjɛθ) 1460?-1524?; Sp. navigator with Columbus; commanded the Niña: brother of Martín