Auguste (oɡyst). 1884–1962, Swiss physicist, whose study of cosmic rays led to his pioneer balloon ascents in the stratosphere (1931–32)
his twin brother, Jean Félix (ʒɑ̃ feliks). 1884–1963, US chemist and aeronautical engineer, born in Switzerland, noted for his balloon ascent into the stratosphere (1934)
Piccard in American English
(pɪˈkɑrd; French piˈkaʀ)
Auˈguste (ɔˈgyst) 1884-1962; Swiss physicist in Belgium: known for balloon ascents into the stratosphere & descents in a bathyscaph
Jean Féˈlix (ʒɑ̃ feɪˈliks) 1884-1963; U.S. chemist & aeronautical engineer, born in Switzerland: also known for balloon ascents: twin brother of Auguste