A picaresque story is one in which a dishonest but likeable person travels around and has lots of exciting experiences.
...a picaresque novel about the life and crimes of Joey Blueglass.
picaresque in British English
of or relating to a type of fiction in which the hero, a rogue, goes through a series of episodic adventures. It originated in Spain in the 16th century
of or involving rogues or picaroons
Word origin
C19: via French from Spanish picaresco, from pícaro a rogue
picaresque in American English
of, like, or having to do with sharp-witted vagabonds or rogues
designating or characteristic of a kind of fiction that originated in Spain and deals episodically with the adventures of a hero who is or resembles such a vagabond or rogue
Word origin
Sp picaresco < pícaro, rascal, orig. knavish, vile
Examples of 'picaresque' in a sentence
But it was not quite the picaresque journey she presented to you.
Hilton, John Buxton DISPLACED PERSON (2003)
He raised a fist halfway and pressed on further back into the picaresque.