The answers to these questions lead us towards a gnoseology of cognoconscious dialogic unlearning.
Raiza Andrade 2005, 'Towards a Gnoseology of Cognoconscious Dialogic Unlearning: Principles to Unlearnin the Context of Complexity', Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The elements of gnoseology which arise from this reflection have a great significance in media and communication studies.
Antonio Rafele 2015, 'Conoscere per minuzie. Elementi di gnoseologia in Kierkegaard, Benjamin e McLuhan=Knowingthrough Minutia. Elements of Gnoseology in Kierkegaard, Benjamin and Mcluhan.', H-ermes: Journal of Communication Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (