Sir Aston. 1849–1930, British architect. His work includes the Victoria and Albert Museum (1909), the Victoria Memorial (1911), and Admiralty Arch (1911)
Mary (Gladys). 1881–1927, British novelist, remembered for her novels of rustic life, notably Precious Bane (1924)
Sidney (James), Baron Passfield. 1859–1947, British economist, social historian, and Fabian socialist. He and his wife (Martha) Beatrice (née Potter), 1858–1943, British writer on social and economic problems, collaborated in The History of Trade Unionism (1894) and English Local Government (1906–29), helped found the London School of Economics (1895), and started the New Statesman (1913)
Webb in American English
Beatrice (Potter)1858-1943; Eng. economist & socialist reformer: wife of Sidney James