a bright green mineral, found in veins and in association with copper deposits. It is a source of copper and is used as an ornamental stone. Composition: hydrated copper carbonate. Formula: Cu2CO3(OH)2. Crystal structure: monoclinic
Word origin
C16: via Old French from Latin molochītēs, from Greek molokhitis mallow-green stone, from molokhē mallow
malachite in American English
a bright green, monoclinic mineral, copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2, that is an ore of copper and is used as a gem and to make ornamental objects
Word origin
ME melochites < L molochites < Gr molochitēs, a stone (? malachite) < malachē, molochē, mallow (its color is like that of mallow leaves): < ? Heb malluaḥ, a lettuce-like plant > L malva, mallow