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View usage for: percipient in British English (pəˈsɪpɪənt) noun3. a person or thing that perceives Derived forms percipience (perˈcipience) or percipiency (perˈcipiency) noun percipiently (perˈcipiently) adverb Word origin C17: from Latin percipiens observing, from percipere to grasp; see perceivepercipient in American English (pərˈsɪpiənt) adjective1. perceiving, esp. keenly or readily noun2. a person who perceives Derived forms percipience (perˈcipience) noun or perˈcipiency percipiently (perˈcipiently) adverb Word origin L percipiens, prp. of percipere: see perceive Examples of 'percipient' in a sentencepercipient Sometimes he would bring friends for weekends and John longed for Hilda's shrewd eye, percipient comment. Synonyms of 'percipient'aware, bright, perceptive, sharp More Synonyms of percipient Definition quick at perceiving (formal) Additional synonymsDefinition watchful and attentive He had been spotted by an alert neighbour. Synonyms attentive, careful, awake, wary, vigilant, perceptive, watchful, ready, on the lookout, circumspect, observant, on guard, wide-awake, on your toes, on the watch, keeping a weather eye on, heedfulDefinition quick to notice or understand He made a series of astute business decisions. Synonyms intelligent, politic, bright, sharp, keen, calculating, clever, subtle, penetrating, knowing, shrewd, cunning, discerning, sly, on the ball (informal), canny, perceptive, wily, crafty, artful, insightful, foxy, adroit, sagacious (formal) I was convinced that he was brighter than average. Synonyms intelligent, smart, clever, knowing, thinking, quick, aware, sharp, keen, acute, alert, rational, penetrating, enlightened, apt, astute, brainy (informal), wide-awake, clear-headed, perspicacious (formal), quick-wittedNearby words ofpercipient - perch
- perchance
- percipience
- percipient
- percolate
- percussion
- perdition
Additional synonymsDefinition having or showing good judgment tailor-made holidays to suit the more discerning traveller Synonyms discriminating, knowing, sharp, critical, acute, sensitive, wise, intelligent, subtle, piercing, penetrating, shrewd, ingenious, astute, perceptive, judicious, clear-sighted, percipient, perspicacious (formal), sagacious (formal) These products are snapped up by more discriminating customers. Synonyms discerning, particular, keen, critical, acute, sensitive, refined, cultivated, selective, astute, tasteful, fastidiousDefinition having or showing intelligence Rita is a highly intelligent woman. Synonyms clever, bright, smart, knowing, quick, sharp, acute, alert, rational, penetrating, enlightened, apt, discerning, knowledgeable, astute, well-informed, brainy (informal), perspicacious, quick-witted, sagacious (formal) Definition quick to notice details around one An observant doctor can detect symptoms from expression and posture. Synonyms attentive, quick, alert, perceptive, concentrating, careful, vigilant, mindful, watchful, wide-awake, sharp-eyed, eagle-eyed, keen-eyed, on your toes, heedfulDefinition tending to or able to penetrate a penetrating mind Synonyms intelligent, quick, sharp, keen, critical, acute, profound, discriminating, shrewd, discerning, astute, perceptive, incisive, sharp-witted, perspicacious (formal), sagacious (formal) Definition acutely perceptive or discerning a man of perspicacious judgment Synonyms perceptive, aware, sharp, keen, acute, alert, clever, penetrating, shrewd, discerning, astute, observant, clear-sighted, percipient (formal), sharp-witted, sagacious (formal) Definition having a keenly alert mind He is quick-witted and rarely lets an opportunity slip by. Synonyms clever, bright, sharp, keen, smart, alert, shrewd, astute, perceptiveDefinition quick to notice or understand things He is very sharp and swift with repartee. Synonyms quick-witted, clever, astute, acute, knowing, ready, quick, bright, alert, subtle, penetrating, apt, discerning, on the ball (informal), perceptive, observant, long-headed |